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A fantastic story about three reforms of Mikhail Degtyarev in the Khabarovsk krai

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    A fantastic story about three reforms of Mikhail Degtyarev in the Khabarovsk krai.

  A fantastic story about three reforms of Mikhail Degtyarev in the Khabarovsk krai.
  Taking advantage of the capital's enormous attention to the situation in the Khabarovsk krai, Mikhail Degtyarev carried out a tax reform on the krai of the Khabarovsk krai. Every Khabarovsk citizen who received less than five million rubles a year was exempt from all taxes. For such residents, all utility bills were reduced by four times.
  Further, on the wave of changes, an economic reform was carried out. Any Khabarovsk citizen received the right to engage in entrepreneurial and foreign economic activity without any registration and reporting. In the air, it became smelled of unconditional rental income - receiving by each Khabarovsk citizen a sum of money - a share of the income from the use of natural resources of the Khabarovsk Krai. ("The Far Eastern hectare" and other initiatives from this line were canceled).
  Swindlers, criminals and leeches flocked to the Khabarovsk Krai from all over the country and even from all over the world.
  A political reform was required. First, according to the European type - the normalization of the electoral system, the restoration of a strong representative power, the empowerment of deputies with a real immunity and powers, with a financial independence, the all-round development of the jury. (An order was established according to which not a single Khabarovsk resident could be tried outside the Khabarovsk Krai; this rule was given retroactive force - with the right of every Khabarovsk resident to demand a jury trial in any case). Little later the local, Far Eastern, experience accumulated in the period from the 1850s to 1917 was remembered, was recalled. Something it was managed to integrate into the European model. Local self-government was linked to the concept of "migration balance".
  Swindlers, criminals and leeches in horror began to flee from the Khabarovsk krai. And the former residents of the Khabarovsk krai, who had previously left its borders, demanded the adoption of a local law on the reintegration of compatriots from Khabarovsk. A queue of people wishing to move to the Khabarovsk krai lined up.
  At last, Mikhail Degtyarev visited Viktor Gavrilov and helped him reunite with his two sons, showed concern for Viktor Gavrilov's life.
  Many Khabarovsk women let out a tear of emotion. Portraits of Mikhail Degtyarev appeared in the houses of residents of the Khabarovsk Krai. They began to call him "our Misha". The song about the Olympic Mishka [the name of the Russian Bear mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games] was banned in the Khabarovsk Krai by the decision of the local parliament. "Don't fly away!" "Don't go anywhere!".
  July 26, 2020 16:21
  Translation from Russian into English: July 26, 2020 16:52.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Фантастический рассказ о трёх реформах Михаила Дегтярева в Хабаровском крае'.

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