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A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-Nf. The story

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    A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story.

  A great Tolik and the aid to the African state of Longo on Kosti-NF. The story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kosti-NF radio station, decided to have some tea.
  The news appeared on the computer screen: "The great Tolik is going to Paris for a diplomatic mission!"
  Mr. Wintertund immediately called the European Man: "Discuss the news on the air immediately!"
  Five seconds later, Doctor Evil entered the door. He knows what will happen tomorrow! (From confidential sources). Aid will be provided to the African state of Longo in the amount of $ 1 billion. Dr. Evil is ready to share this information among radio listeners. Doesn't mind the use of a coefficient of 6. - There are a high costs for a villa in Italy.
  Mr. Wintertund listened. No calls to any phone.
  "The situation must mature!"
  Dr. Evil leaved, announcing that his proposal would be gladly accepted at TV-company and that the coefficient would not be 6, but 10.
  Mr. Wintertund decided to walk around corridor. He, with a care, tested the situation in an informal conversation with Iron Man. Iron Man promised to talk not about assistance to the Longo state, but in general - about assistance to Africa - and not in the amount of 1 billion dollars, but in the amount of 1 billion doses of vaccine (it's hot in Africa. There are not enough refrigerators ...). A factor of 1.5 is sufficient.
  A phone call to cell from the boss's number came. "Biscuit!"
  Mr. Wintertund gave his consent to Iron Man.
  Iron Man immediately went to the radio studio - to the microphone.
  Mr. Wintertund looked into the department of explanatory and educational inserts between programs - everybody are in business! (The expression 'Live and learn!' What it mean? When did it arise? In what cases is it used?). News of a new event in Sudan appeared on the screen of free computer. This does not contradict the prediction of aid to Africa, and yet, nevertheless ... one must be careful ...
  Mr. Wintertund immediately called the accounting department and instructed to fulfill the payment to Iron Man - so far without a coefficient of 1.5. The issue requires additional coordination, taking into account new circumstances.
  Now he can return to his office and have some aromatic tea.
  Mr. Wintertund turned on the electric kettle. "The great Tolik will accelerate the process of providing financial assistance to countries in need!" Our information and diplomatic capital is equivalent to three Mercedes!
  [MDCCXCIII. Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch. - October 27, 2020.
  MDCCXCIX. The balanced information. A story about a difficult media problem. - October 29, 2020.
  MDCCCIII. Day of National Unity and another Karamzinius at the Kosti-NF radio station. A story. - October 31, 2020.
  MDCCCV. Trishka's Kaftan. The Media sketch. - November 2, 2020.
  MDCCCIX. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story. - November 4, 2020.
  MDCCCXVI. The support for bloggers on Kosti-NF. A sketch. - November 7, 2020.
  MDCCCXXXVI. Elections in Moldova on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 15, 2020.
  MDCCCXLII. Brandenburg Gate on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVI. Mafia of a bearded frog on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 20, 2020.
  MDCCCLI. We know what will be tomorrow. On Kosti-NF. A story. - November 22, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXV. The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - December 3, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXI. A new appointment to the post of great Tolik and a media pill on Kosti-NF. The story. - December 5, 2020.]
  December 10, 2020 03:22
  Translation from Russian into English: December 10, 2020 04:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Великий Толик и помощь африканскому государству Лонго на Кости-NF. Рассказ'.
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