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"... A harmonious an order Of oligarchical conversations." Testing the cultural hypothesis. Pushkin and Molotov. The note

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    "... A harmonious an order Of oligarchical conversations." Testing the cultural hypothesis. Pushkin and Molotov. The note.

  "... A harmonious an order Of oligarchical conversations." Testing the cultural hypothesis. Pushkin and Molotov. The note.
  It so happened due to historical peculiarities that the cultural level of a person in Russia is determined by the influence on his personality of the creativity Alexander Pushkin.
  This is a slightly simplified understanding ... And Gogol? And Dostoevsky with his "a (one) teardrop" (of a child)? And Leo Tolstoy with his "Sevastopol Sketches" and "War and Peace"? ... And Sholokhov, and Bulgakov? ... And Yuri Trifonov? .. And Solzhenitsyn? And what about the ancient authors? And what about the creative people from abroad?
  But any concept is a some simplification.
  Therefore, we put Pushkin at the forefront.
  After reading the book by Felix Chuev 'Molotov. A semi-autocratic ruler', I suggested that Molotov's manner of expressing his thoughts did not correspond to Pushkin's 'cultural style'.
  Short, abrupt sentences. Vocabulary...
  "Dulles is such a hook, remember he is a hook."
  So, there is a hypothesis that the work of Pushkin had no influence on Molotov. Let's try to test this hypothesis.
  I, with a full confidence, that in the creativity of Alexander Pushkin the word "hook" was not used, I open the second volume of the Dictionary of Pushkin's language (in four volumes) (vol. 2, 2000, academic edition).
  Here I read: 'HOOK (1). question hook (question mark): ... she meets the lines of his pencil. Everywhere, Onegin's soul unwittingly expresses Itself either in a short word, or in a cross, or in an interrogative hook. (...) EO ["Eugene Onegin"] VII 23.14 ". (Dictionary of Pushkin's language. Vol. 2. P. 446).
  It seems that Molotov used the word "hook" in a different sense? And if not? And if in the sense in which this word was used by Pushkin?
  In the sense that Dulles is a question mark, that is, a mysterious person? A man with a riddle?
  So, one hypothesis is replaced by another. But we will move on to summary, even if preliminary, even if not final.
  It remains, after an express test of the cultural hypothesis, to admit that Alexander Pushkin influenced Vyacheslav Molotov too.
  I have to bow my head in front of Pushkin. They sent him into exile, they took a manner to say "my Pushkin," and made him a "Gentlemen of the Chamber" [the lowest court title], and forced him to come to official events, and entangled him in debts, and they directed his wife into dances (at the balls of highest level), and sent an insulting libel letter [an anonymous pasquil], and not allowed his resignation, and he was interrogated on various cases ... but he, be that as it may, influenced the all Russia - even onto Vyacheslav Molotov (even if this statement is preliminary, even if such thought is not final one).
  [MMСXХII. The Cultural Matrix of the Russian Intellectual in a novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" by Alexander Pushkin. An essay. - April 19, 2021.
  MMСLV. What exactly seemed interesting to me in the book by Felix Chuev 'Molotov. A semi-autocratic ruler"? - May 10, 2021.].
  May 11, 2021 06:57
  Translation from Russian into English: May 11, 2021 17:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ''...Порядок стройный Олигархических бесед'. Проверка культурологической гипотезы. Пушкин и Молотов. Заметка'.
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