Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Akkuyu. Costs - $22 billion. Profit -? A typical project of modern effective managers. The essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Akkuyu. Costs - $22 billion. Profit -? A typical project of modern effective managers. The essay.

  Akkuyu. Costs - $22 billion. Profit -? A typical project of modern effective managers. The essay.
  As you know, the Russian Federation is a very economical state.
  Why are there numerous cash registers? Why do numerous cash registers need numerous SIM cards?
  Why do we need counters - in general? And why are smart meters needed? Why do we need endless verifications, taking and sending of indicators, the other pleasures and entertainments?
  Why do we need endless maneuvers around the value of real estate to determine the volume of taxes?
  Why tax the income of individuals - those who have an annual income of less than 2 million rubles? Why should tax reporting be extended to them?
  All this is necessary so that every kopeck is taken into account, so that the state budget is replenished ...
  You say - and maybe leave the middle class and the poorest layers alone? To allow them to possess their real estate and their income?
  With the right approaches, a significant part of the population could do without meters, paying for the consumed resources according to standards, trading without cash registers and SIM cards, and a significant part of the middle class and the poorest segments of the population could be exempt from property taxes and income taxes.
  But there are obstacles to such decisions and approaches.
  Consider, for example, the Akkuyu project. This is a nuclear power plant project in Turkey. The power plant is being built by the Russian Federation (by a subsidiary of Rosatom) ... For whom?
  Gradually the question arises: who needs this nuclear power plant? ....
  Russia? But when the Akkuyu NPP will begin to bring not losses, but profit? When will it pay off?
  Where can I find answers to these natural questions?
  Someone will say: it will someday be built and begin to make a profit - even if not in a year, not in ten years, but sometime ...
  If this person will write these words on paper and will put his signature under them ...
  Nothing prevents to make the another forecast - this station will not be completed and will continue to cause losses ...
  She is needed! When there is a large construction, there are many small firms with foreign accounts and staff. There are cash flows - effective managers are looking at them with pleasure.
  'The total cost of building a nuclear power plant is 22 billion US dollars,' informs the Russian-speaking Wikipedia (English-speaking and Turkish-speaking Wikipedia does not sound about this topic). Financing is providing by Russian investors, 93% - by a subsidiary of Rosatom.
  If you multiply twenty-two billion dollars by 70 (the approximate exchange rate of the ruble) and divide by 140 million (the estimated population of the Russian Federation), you get 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles - this is without any acts and cases of special charity. This is for everyone, for everyone, and not just for those who have children, for those who are associated with the struggle against coronavirus or are separated in other way from others during the organizing of cash payments.
  So, the main features of economic projects of highly effective managers:
  1) Creation of cash flows in territories outside the borders (outside the space of wide public access) of the Russian Federation,
  2) Huge (often increasingly increasing) indicators of project cost,
  3) Undetermined (often - constantly increasing) project execution period. (Wikipedia in English: 'It is expected that the other three units will be completed by 2025.' 'There are no exact dates when the plant [that is, AKKUYU NPP] will be commissioned' - the Turkish-language Wikipedia article says.)
  4) There is complete lack of clarity regarding the payback periods, the possible profitability (loss-making), and when the project will start making profit ...
  But Akkuyu is Turkey. In addition to Turkey, a country with a relative free information space, that allows you to learn something about this project, there are a significant number of other similar projects (in other countries).
  As for the Arctic mega-projects, they are also characterized by remoteness, confidentiality (special secrecy) and the enormous risks of environmental damage that will lie on the state budget for years, decades, centuries ...
  So, when you perform another dance around the next counter [meter] (or cash register), then you have the right to give such a dance a beautiful name. Isn't Akkuyu romantic?
  One radio commentator said that he had four counters [meters] in his apartment ... One dance can be called Akkuyu, the second is ARCTIC SNG, the third is Norilsk, the fourth is Novaya Zemlya ...
  In the meantime, everything is as usual. A minimum of information. August 14, 2019, 11:06 "The work at the first Turkish nuclear power plant in the southern coastal zone of Akkuyu is being conducted without due diligence and could lead to disastrous consequences, the head of the local geotechnical association Erkan Demir said in an interview with Yeni Yaşam." ( ...
  June 29, 2020 09:12
  Translation from Russian into English: June 29, 2020 23:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'АККУЮ. Затраты - 22 миллиарда долларов. Прибыль - ? Типичный проект современных эффективных менеджеров. Очерк'.
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