Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

An affront. A comic drama

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  • Аннотация:
    An affront. A comic drama.

  An affront. A comic drama.
  I. Chairman of the Council of Thinkers.
  Members of the Council of Thinkers:
  A man in a $10,000 suit.
  The man in the red jacket.
  The man in trousers in a "pipes style".
  The man in the red tie.
  A man with a Mohawk hairstyle and with the hair dyed in a red color.
  II. Mrs. Mary Bridgestone, a visitor to the beauty salon "Vyshenka" ("Cherry").
  Mrs. Natalie Keldysh, an employee of the beauty salon "Vyshenka" ("Cherry").
  Mr. Bill Bridgestone, Research Programs Manager (interlocutor on the phone with his wife, Mrs. Mary Bridgestone).
  The meeting room of the Council of Thinkers.
  A room in a beauty salon.
  Act I.
  The chairperson addresses the participants of the Council meeting:
  - 'Dear participants of the meeting of the Council of Thinkers! We have been offended for 30 years! And if you look deeper into history, then - all 1000 years! Recently we were offended again. The neighboring country offends us. And we cannot and will not tolerate it. There is a proposal: to hang signs with the letter 'P' on the trucks of this country! What will be the opinions?'
  The man in the $10,000 suit:
  - 'The drivers of these trucks will go to the criminal government of their country and demand from it an answer for what this government has done.'
  The man in the red jacket:
  - 'We are supporting the poor! ... these ... on "Р" ... There will be no confusion? What if "ZР"?'
  Members of the Council look at each other and exchange remarks. A buzzing is heard:
  - 'Not! No need! All is clear!'
  The man in the red jacket:
  - 'If everything is clear, then we support the proposal in the original version!'
  Man in trousers in a "pipes style":
  - 'Of course, it's fair!'
  The man in the red tie:
  - 'Maybe not just "P", but "ВР" and "Н"?'
  A buzzing again:
  - 'All is understandable! Maybe even a sign with the letters "ИС" you will offer us?'
  The man in the red tie:
  - 'Now is a difficult time. A unanimity is required. So we support!'
  A man with a Mohawk hairstyle and red-dyed hair:
  - 'We are for the everything new! We support!'
  The chairperson:
  - 'Accepted unanimously! Everyone is free for today!'
  Participants of the meeting leave the room.
  Act II.
  Mrs Mary Bridgestone:
  - 'My nails after visiting your salon look great! How nice that your salon has recently opened and is located near my house!'
  Mrs. Natalie Keldysh:
  - 'My husband worked as a truck driver. But after the new rules, I had to move to your country. I went from a housewife to a working woman.'
  - 'We also lived approximately in the same region. My husband was a tire dealer. But then the business stopped there. My husband joined the civil service and returned to about the same place where we left. He is now a research programs manager.'
  - 'If your husband is engaged in such serious work in such a serious place, then I will give you a discount on payment for salon services!'
  The phone rings. Mrs. Mary Bridgestone picks up her cell phone.
  - 'Hello, Bill! I'm at the beauty salon now. I'm talking to Mrs. Natalie Keldysh. She fixed my nails. I said a few words, where we lived for a long time. Mentioned about you. She's from the same region. We communicate with her in two languages. She found out where you are (I hinted in general terms). She gives me a discount on the payment of services!
  Have you approved the Drone research program? Will the program be developed there, on the spot? Let Mr. Keldysh call you? I'll say. Bye, Bill. I kiss you.'
  Mrs. Mary Bridgestone looks at her nails: "Excellent, excellent":
  - 'How much do I owe you for your work? So few? How to pay is more comfortable? Cash or card?'
  Mrs. Natalie Keldysh:
  - 'At your discretion'.
  - 'Here the payment. Well, I have to move on.'
  Mrs. Mary Bridgestone writes on a piece of paper the phone number, first name, last name:
  - 'If your husband calls Bill, then there may be vacancies in the Drone program.'
  - 'Thanks, I'll pass it on to him. Come on, I'll walk you to the exit.'
  Mrs. Mary Bridgestone and Mrs. Natalie Keldysh leave the room.
  Act III.
  The chairperson addresses the participants of the Council meeting:
  - 'Dear participants of the meeting of the Council of Thinkers! Again we see unpleasant events. There are proposals to hang signs with the letter 'P' on drones as soon as they fly into our territory.
  What are your opinions on this issue?'
  A buzz is heard: 'We have already spoken on this topic! We support! Times are tough right now! The unanimity required! We won't let them to offend us!"
  The chairperson:
  - 'Accepted unanimously! Everyone is free for today!'
  Participants of the meeting leave the room.
  (A curtain).
  May 24, 2023 23:47
  Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2023 01:08
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Обида. Комическая драма '.
  { 3307. Обида. Комическая драма. - 24 мая 2023 г.
  MMMCCLXXVIII. An affront. A comic drama. - May 25, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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