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A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued)

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    A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued).

  A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued).
  The chief editor of a large media holding returned home and decided to read the holding's newspaper, which is printing in Belarus.
  At that moment, the call from the person on duty at the holding rang out.
  'It's late, it's night outside. We return to the Stalinist habits ... ", - noted the editor. - "We need to select more quotes ...".
  The person on duty said that people from the very top called. They instructed to immediately hold a meeting of the editorial board concerning the material of the head of the holding's space department.
  The chief editor asked to wait and turned on the computer.
  Seeing the person on duty on the computer screen, the chief editor instructed to gather the members of the editorial board, and he himself went to wash his hands.
  Ten minutes later, he returned to the computer and saw the familiar faces of the members of the editorial board on the screen.
  - You know the relevance of space issues! We must ensure information security, that is, present the topic of space in a way that everyone admires. Or at least that everyone were proud of the our cosmos! The floor is given to the head of the space department!
  The head of the holding's space department explained to the meeting participants that the wave of news about space achievements, which is moving from the West and from the East, needs to be neutralized. The material on the flight of an astronaut (as a crew member) to the Multinational Space Station (MSS) has been prepared. For the flight of an astronaut on a domestic spacecraft, one American company paid a lot of money. The astronaut will fly instead of the domestic cosmonaut. In addition, a competition is being held to select an actress. The actress, along with the director-cameraman, will be filming a video about the Multinational Space Station. These news are included in the prepared material. The material will neutralize the wave of Western and Asian news about space achievements.
  All were silent.
  Finally, the the chief referent (to the chief editor) took the floor (the initiates knew that the chief assistant was the elder of the secret editorial council).
  - This material must be treated with caution! Our Space Agency does not want to appear as a space broker who accepts payment for the use of the MSS equipment and those delivery vehicles to the MSS that were inherited from predecessors! The decommissioning an cosmonaut from the crew for foreign money and the replacing him with an astronaut may generate an unnecessary public reaction! Is it patriotic or not patriotic action?
  Everyone felt a worry.
  - The emphasis should be placed not on receiving money for the flight of an astronaut on a domestic spaceship, but on the exchange of flights. They use a domestic spacecraft. The domestic Space Agency is using an American spaceship! On a foreign spaceship, it sends an cosmonaut! Our cosmonaut is not replaced, not removed from the crew for foreign money, he is not " overboard", he is preparing for a flight on a foreign spacecraft!
  Everyone looked approvingly at the chief assistant.
  The chief editor supported the idea.
  - Of course, an exchange is better than a sale. Moreover, there has appeared a manner of portraying the MSS as an object gradually approaching disposal. The act of exchange represents us as effective participants in the space development.
  - We know for certain about the receipt of money for the flight of an astronaut on a domestic spacecraft, although we do not have detailed information. We cannot say anything with certainty about the exchange ... - the head of the space department of the information holding tried to explain the situation.
  - Do not worry! We will arrange interviews with an important figure from the domestic space industry. This figure will express in a vaguel style about the presence of prospects. Here's the news for you! Accept it off as a proven, undeniable perspective! - the chief referent insisted.
  - Our target audience is tired people who have returned after a hard day, had dinner and go to the sofa to relax before the next working day, - the chief editor explained. - Between dinner and bedtime, they turn on the radio for two minutes to listen to the news. In these two minutes, they should hear about the exchange of space flights and about the filming the movie concerning the MSS with the participation of the famous actress. They will feel pride and, after that, will fall asleep!
  - As soon as in the course of the interview an important person makes a hint of the prospect of an cosmonaut's flight on an American spacecraft, we will immediately give these words out as news of the exchange of flights! - the head of the space department promised.
  - Perfectly! I ask the chief assistant to assist in organizing and preparing the interview. The space department is responsible for conducting the interview. The Information Department immediately spreads the news of the flight exchange and of the filming of the highly anticipated movie about MSS; the popular actress starring! Our meeting is over!
  The chief editor went to bed in a good mood. The information holding will soon prepare a film about the MSS. The MSS crew will turn into a film crew. And the film crew (actress and director-cameraman) will turn into MSS crew members. There will be a huge amount of video content.
  A documentary film about the MSS prepared by a large media holding will be released on discs. The discs will arrive at the boutique located in the supermarket. And the supermarket will assist in the repair of the chief editor's car.
  Events seem to be taking on a successful turn. Fine!
  The chief editor fell asleep quickly without sleeping pills.
  [MDLXXXVI. Anti-corruption journalist and a provincial cauldron. A sketch. - July 23, 2020.
  MDCLXVIII. A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch. - October 19, 2020.
  MDCCLXXVIII. A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program. - October 19, 2020.
  MDCCXCI. A Belarusian media price list. A sketch. - October 25, 2020.
  MDCCCIV. The Political Clown and a Free Press. A sketch. - November 1, 2020. MDCCCXXIV. A media-throw outside the information holding. A story. - November 11, 2020.
  MDCCCXLI. A recycling of the historical kino-garbage by the information holding. A story. -
  November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVIII. Wonderful scenarios under a consideration by the information holding. A story. - November 21, 2020.
  MDCCCLVIII. Ce la vie. FSK in the information holding. A story. - November 26, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXI. Propaganda of diplomatic achievements in the information holding. A story. - December 2, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXX. The artificial intelligence in the information holding. A story. - December 5, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXII. Panda and skates in the information holding. The story. - December 6, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIX. A Cosmic Throw in the information holding. A story. - December 9, 2020.
  MCMXXV. Two million and a New Year's clothes in the information holding. A buff story. - December 29, 2020.
  MCMLXXIX. Connoisseurs of the future and the iron paiza in the information holding. A sketch. - January 30, 2021.
  MM. Hamlet in the information holding. A story. - February 9, 2021.
  MMXXXVIII. The evening in the Moscow's suburban area of the chief editor of the information holding. A story. - February 27, 2021.
  MMLX. A space solutions in a large information holding. A story (continued). - March 11, 2021.
  MMLXII. A car repair in a large information holding. The story (continued). - March 13, 2021.
  MMLXIII. An influential support in a difficult situation for an information holding. A story (continued). - March 13, 2021.].
  March 14, 2021 15:33
  Translation from Russian into English: March 14, 2021 23:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Космический антиброкеринг в информационном холдинге. Рассказ (продолжение)'.
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