Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A Top Official. A Top Historian. A Women's rights. An essay on modern history

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  • Аннотация:
    A Top Official. A Top Historian. A Women's rights. An essay on modern history.

  A Top Official. A Top Historian. A Women's rights. An essay on modern history.
  When the events, associated with Gorring, became a subject of a media, readers and listeners could only wonder at.
  The Lake of Baikal, a huge money, an unfulfilled in time (or just unfulfilled?) works were mentioned ...
  There was mention of a social Elevator, which stuck in a teeth, already.
  Gorring did not wait long for an arrival of a career Elevator - unlike many others... You know, "we " appreciate talents...
  But while the plot was developing, there was information about the top historian Solovyov.
  What is an interesting thing.
  In both cases, it were events in an official institutions.
  In both cases, young women were mentioned - in a situations of dependence.
  In both cases, not a very complimentary attitude towards those young women took place.
  Maybe someone is interested in the topic of human rights?
  The rights of young women were not very respected.
  However, a human rights are a big official concern. (We don"t even mention about social elevators, about a love for a talents - somebody have not heard about these topics?).
  Read the official chronicle and listen to sweet speeches. As for Baikal and a big money, modesty is important in these matters.
  December 11, 2019 15:48
  Translation from Russian into English: December 11, 2019 16:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Топ-Чиновник. Топ-Историк. Права женщин. Очерк современной истории".
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