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A touches to the psychological portrait of Mikhail Degtyarev. The experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction

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    A touches to the psychological portrait of Mikhail Degtyarev. The experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction.

  A touches to the psychological portrait of Mikhail Degtyarev. The experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction.
  A young man with tremendous energy and good abilities begins a successful political career in the structure of "United Russia" political party.
  Let's put forward the first assumption: he scared someone. If he not scared someone, then he forced to worry. If he not scared someone and not forced to worry somebody, then in any case, those who are too capable, they are written down in a little book, they are used, but in general they are not needed.
  This is followed by someone's influence ... The second assumption: there is such a quality as a yielding to the unkind influence ... (This quality is quite close to such a property as obedience, which we wrote about in the essay 'MDLXXI. Fear, greed, gullibility, powerless indignation, cautious exposing, revealing of secondary persons ... Essay on the psychology of the modern Russial'. - July 18, 2020).
  Degtyarev finds himself in the ranks of the Liberal Democratic Party. At first glance, this is a successful move. He is a person close to the party emperor. The seat of the deputy. Committee Chairman ... Prospects? Anything can happen, if we talk abstractly ... Chairman of the faction in the State Duma? Minister of Sports? (The chairman of the faction is generally wonderful position. The chairmen of the faction are invited both to the elevator and to the office. And the Minister of Sports travels to the different Olympic Games and communicates with attractive people of different sex ...).
  But - this is our third assumption - such a quality as a yielding to unkind influence again manifested itself ... Or someone was simply jealous, or it was a deliberate psychological action ... One way or another, the malevolent media portray Degryarev as a shocking legislator - supposedly those bills that he contributed, in a number of cases they were perceived ambiguously, allegedly they created an ambiguous reputation for him ...
  Why should an intelligent young man with education, with colossal energy and abilities take the path of introducing controversial bills? We recall our third assumption - whether the legislator has shown a yielding to someone's unkind influence ?...
  But so far all is good. He is young, he is influential, he is the chairman of the committee, he is a promising politician.
  But now the clouds begin to gather on the horizon. We make a fourth assumption. The chairman of the committee did not show sufficient political intuition, political instinct.
  From all this story he must [had] to flee as from fire - at the very moment when he first heard about it. She could not lead either to the post of the faction chairman or to the chair of the Minister of Sports. It is unlikely that Degtyarev was striving for the position of deputy prime minister or something like that ... That is, for what the governor's office-room could become a springboard. Vice-premiership is a completely different style ... However, let's not insist ...
  Thus, he didn't run away... He stayed where he was. And at some point, serious and caring people came. They reported that they had found a place for him in this appeared situation.
  Our fifth assumption is that once again the brilliant parliamentary leader has succumbed to someone's unkind influence ... He is ready to help older comrades. Moreover, his role is not the main one.
  But the situation suddenly changed. An energetic parliamentarian specializing in sports is facing the prospect of a governor's office-room. A distant, unfamiliar land (krai). A huge economic difficulties.
  We make a sixth assumption. The sports specialist again succumbs to the unkind influence. He agrees.
  Why does he need it? Perhaps he doesn't need it at all. But how can he refuse? A refusal is directing him towards a some kind of sanction (disapproval). A consent is encouragement. In any case - approval.
  Mr. Degtyarev is in the office-room of the governor of the Khabarovsk krai. In his heart he may sympathize with Sergei Furgal. He has nothing against the residents of Khabarovsk and Khabarovsk krai. Let's not do any harm each other. You will receive a noticeable (utility bills) benefits. And you will feel good, and somehow I will get out of this whole story without losing face ... Otherwise ... I will have to include, to turn on the topic of coronavirus pandemic...
  Demonstrators (some) are demanding resignation. But how to do that? The resigning is kind of a blow to reputation and the end of political prospects.
  To continue? .. It is clear that he will not be able to make the Khabarovsk krai a prosperous region, and the Khabarovsk citizens - a happy, rich, contented people. But to continue - this means to maintain a minimum of reputation (to somehow save face) and not to become an object of sanctions (condemnation).
  But what are the prospects? Prospects to become the chairman of the faction or the Minister of Sports? It is unlikely that these prospects have survived. Today they look incredible. Rather, they evaporated.
  Then what? A successful governor - such prospect falls away. A career in the executive branch with an increase (rising) is not very necessary, and very unlikely. There remains some kind of party career. But this is certainly not a move forward, but just some kind of employment.
  In general, while it necessary to save face. Not to quarrel unnecessarily with anyone. After all, he has nothing against anyone. He just wanted to become an influential parliamentarian (perhaps the minister of sports). Just so happened.
  But if a person repeatedly found himself in a standard position (if he succumbed to someone else's unkind influence), then we put forward the seventh assumption. Such assumption is associated with a high statistical risk for governors and mayors from the Far East region. We didn't count with the help of a calculator. But the impression is that the risk of being in a difficult position after taking a high position is relatively high. Especially - Khabarovsk krai.
  So we think about Degtyarev, and remember about Furgal. In miniature "MDLII. Governor Sergei Furgal and the Bureya problem. The experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction' (July 9, 2020), we wrote that if Sergei Furgal acted decisively, then today he might have lost his political prospects, but he would now be spending time at the dacha, drinking tea with honey and going to the river to swim.
  We have outlined our assumptions. Does Mikhail Degtyarev have such a quality as as a yielding to unkind influence - about this, after all, Mikhail Degtyarev himself and a readers can form an opinion on their own. We do not pretend to be the truth in the highest instance. We leave this question for the actors and observers for an independent decision.
  25 July 2020 14:22
  Translation from Russian into English: July 25, 2020 21:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Штрихи к психологическому портрету Михаила Дегтярева. Опыт частичной биографической реконструкции'.
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