Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A toy bunny and a star. A Christmas Story

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    A toy bunny and a star. A Christmas Story.

  A toy bunny and a star. A Christmas Story.
  A toy bunny was lying on a pine branch. The branch was in a vase. And the vase was on the table.
  Nearby on a branch is a pine cone. A beautiful. A silver rain decorates the branch.
  The bunny recalled the New Year and delicious treats.
  The glasses were filled with homemade grape juice.
  Pine needles are sharp. But it's so comfortable to lie on them.
  Sweet thoughts of grape juice and of the recent New Year's Holiday.
  A pleasant smell of a soft pine needles.
  And grape juice, and a bunny, and a pine branch in a vase - they all were arranged by a kind heart.
  The bunny looked out the window. There is fog outside the window. It's cold. A wet weather.
  The bunny decided to watch more attentively. A ray of the Star of Bethlehem fell on him. And reached his heart.
  "Christmas, Christmas!" - began to sing a toy bunny, swinging on coniferous needles.
  The rays of the Star of Bethlehem are breaking through the fog, dampness and cold!
  January 6, 2021 17:06
  Translation from Russian into English: January 6, 2021 17:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Игрушечный зайчик и звезда. Рождественский рассказ".
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