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Book by V. R. Solovyov about Yu.D. Maslyukov. A literary note

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    Book by V. R. Solovyov about Yu.D. Maslyukov. A literary note.

  Book by V. R. Solovyov about Yu.D. Maslyukov. A literary note.
  1. A preliminary remarks.
  If Gleb Krzhizhanovsky was the first head of Gosplan (the State Planning Committee), then Yuri Maslyukov was the last.
  The most interesting period of work of Yuri Maslyukov - in the government of Russia after the default of 1998. It is believed that Maslyukov managed to pull the Russia 's economy out of the crisis.
  What is possible to read about Maslyukov?
  In a very brief Wikipedia article about Maslyukov we find a mention of the book:
  Vladimir Solovyev "The Last Soldier of the Empire: Yuri Dmitriyevich Maslyukov in the Memories of Contemporaries." [Владимир Соловьев "Последний солдат империи: Юрий Дмитриевич Маслюков в воспоминаниях современников".]
  With difficulty (on the website we find a book to read and begin to disciplinedly read.
  The book is read. And what can I say about her?
  2. Three important components.
  The book is not large in volume (which is neither a bad nor a good). Although, a very small book has the right to be called a "biographical essay."
  But it 's more authoritative for any author to be the author of a book rather than an essay. The "book" - a word more respectful, thick.
  (A) At the beginning of the text, there is a mention of an assistant (woman) who helped write the book. Who is she? I didn 't find the name of the assistant. ("As one of my acquaintances [woman] put it, who helped me write this book...")
  If a person has the opportunity to write a book in cooperation with an assistant, why not write?
  (B) An interesting idea is to draw parallels between Maslyukov and Napoleon. Whose idea is this? This idea - if not from the assistant (woman), then - by V.R. Solovyov. However, Solovyov knows a lot of other outstanding people.
  (C) A lot of paragraphs are devoted to Stalin and Beria, other figures of the past. They did not work with Maslyukov. But their activities illustrate Maslyukov 's activities.
  3. Maslyukov's diplomacy skills.
  In the book there are many of references to the high business, moral qualities of Maslyukov and his ability to communicate.
  At some point I assumed that Maslyukov could have been an excellent foreign minister (but alas...)
  4. Maslyukov and success stories.
  The main success story of Maslyukov is his successful work in 1998 -1999 as the first deputy Chairman of the Government, who "oversaw" the "economic bloc."
  Several paragraphs are devoted to this... (I had to read, probably most of the book before I approached them). Maslyukov, Gerashchenko, Primakov ...
  Rather succinctly, it seemed to me, this topic is consecrated...
  It is clear that Maslyukov is a successful person (adjusted for circumstances). But what is it - a success? A good wife? A respect of many people? A quick climb up the career ladder?
  5. A summation.
  Somehow, I read this book. Time, of course, was required.
  ... Beria, Stalin, Koshkin (T-34) ...
  What can I say about her? Yuri Maslyukov, his fate and personality remain for me, in a sense, a mystery.
  March 26, 2020 02:32
  Translation from Russian into English: March 26, 2020 09:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Книга В. Р. Соловьева о Ю.Д. Маслюкове. Литературная заметка'.
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