Аннотация: MMMDCXXXIII. Boris Borisych loses his cell phone and becomes a financial capitalist. A story. - March 17, 2025.
Boris Borisych loses his cell phone and becomes a financial capitalist. A story.
Boris Borisych worked at a bread factory. [Boris Borisych is the common (simplified) form of the name and of the patronymic Boris Borisovich] He was servicing an apparatus that produced buns.
Almost anyone could work at this apparatus. Boris Borisych was proud of the fact that he could not only operate the apparatus for making buns, but also he could open this apparatus, get inside and repair the most vulnerable blocks.
The bread factory (a huge bakery) was receiving savings on (not) calling a repair crew, and Boris Borisych received a sense of self-respect: he is not a cog, but a skilled, necessary person.
On weekends, Boris Borisych went to the nearest pond and spent hours watching the float, which swayed on the water surface. Boris Borisych periodically played dominoes with his friends in the yard and discussed the most important topics: how and when salaries and pensions would indexed (that is, would increased at a planned percentage).
Boris Borisych's salary was almost average one: 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles per month. Between the moment of the malfunction in the apparatus for the production of buns and the moment of repair (which was carried out by Boris Borisych), the apparatus was capable to release a certain number of defective buns. This contributed to the personal economic stabilization.
The weekend has arrived. On Saturday Boris Borisych took a fishing rod and went to the pond. He spent the whole day watching the float, and when the day was over, he left his fishing rod to a neighbor who came for fishing with a tent and stayed on the shore of the pond overnight.
On Sunday morning, Boris Borisych went to the pond again. It was not only a day off, but also a day - a state holiday. Boris Borisych shaved, got a haircut (he was sprayed with cologne at the barbershop), put on a fresh shirt and other things and went fishing.
At the edge of the grove, which adjoined the pond, Boris Borisych saw that the gates in front of the beautiful mansion, which resembled a small castle, were open. The front door leading inside the mansion was also open.
There were no other buildings on the territory of the grove. Apparently, someone - very influential - has obtained a building permit on the territory of the grove.
The time is now such that a vigilance is needed, various SMS messages are constantly coming to the phone, so Boris Borisych took out his passport, and, with his passport ready, carefully walked through the open gate and entered the mansion through the open door.
Everything was very neat and very beautiful inside.
Not a single person! Boris Borisych began to climb the beautiful stairs to the second floor.
Beautiful doors, carpets...
Suddenly, one of the doors opened and a man in pressed trousers, a white shirt, and a tie jumped out.
The man ran down the stairs.
Then he stopped for a second, took a few jumps back - to Boris Borisych, and asked:
"Where are you from?"
"I'm ... in apparatus ..." Boris Borisych began to talk about what was creating his sense of self-esteem.
The man darted a glance at Boris Borisych, waved away his explanations, gently took him by the elbow and led him into one of the rooms. There was a guy with glasses in the room.
- Vlad! The man from the apparatus! Do all - according to the full program!
The man jumped out of the room and could be heard (his) running down the stairs.
The guy took the passport that Boris Borisych was holding at the ready, pointed to an empty chair and began tapping by his fingers onto the computer keyboard.
Soon, he placed in front of Boris Borisych a stack of sheets of paper that had come out of the printer.
With a pencil, the guy pointed the places where Boris Borisych needs to sign.
The stack of sheets was quite thick, the guy was not in the mood to give any explanations, so Boris Borisych signed in the right places. But he asked the question: "Will I have second copies?"
"Of course," the guy replied.
The guy separated the second copies from the signed bundle, put them in a folder, handed the folder to Boris Borisych. Then he took out a business card and put it in a folder: "Here is the address and phone number of the Ini Bank. Tomorrow evening (Monday) or Tuesday, everything will be ready."
The guy turned back to the computer. Boris Borisych said politely: "Goodbye," and left the room.
Surprised and amazed, he left the mansion, automatically headed to the pond. But he didn't want to do fishing. He took a few steps along the wooden walkway (arranged over the water), fumbled in his pocket and dropped his cell phone into the water.
Considering the loss of his phone to be an unfavorable sign, Boris Borisych took his fishing rod from his buddy and headed for his home.
At home, he began to study the papers he had received.
The case looked suspicious.
According to the papers, it turned out that he, Boris Borisych, had purchased a ready-made apartment in a newly built and commissioned apartment building. As the papers indicated, he came to his new apartment, looked around, and found many shortcomings (defects). After that, he demanded compensation from the construction company for the discovered shortcomings. He received compensation. But he did not want to live in this apartment, where (in which) he discovered shortcomings, and he sold it. But where did he get the money to buy an apartment in a new building? He took out a loan. And how did he manage to repay the loan? He paid off the principal amount of the loan and accrued interest using the money received from the sale of the apartment.
A cold sweat broke out in Boris Borisych. He was terribly afraid that the story that happened to the famous Moscow woman-singer would repeat itself with him. They will call him, offer him to sell his apartment, the money will need to be transferred through a courier, and then this money will go through the crypto exchange to the new owners. Where will Boris Borisych live if things take this turn?!
However, no one called him. Boris Borisych remembered that his phone was lying at the bottom of the pond, so no one could call him, even if they wanted to.
On Monday morning, Boris Borisych went to job (at the bread factory). He stared fixedly at the buns emerging from the apparatus. After the work shift, he ran from the factory to the Ini Bank (at the address indicated on the business card).
It turned out that the account opened in his name had 6000000 (six million) rubles. Moreover, the money is placed at twenty percent per annum. If to omit the details, then he is entitled to one hundred thousand rubles per month.
Boris Borisych couldn't believe what had happened. Out of caution, he did not restore the SIM card and did not buy a new cell phone.
A month later, he went to the bank and received one hundred thousand rubles in cash.
On the same day, Boris Borisych resigned from his native bread factory, where he had worked for many years.
Now, instead of going to the bread factory, he was visiting the pond or the nearest river and was fishing.
He stopped talking to his friends (in the yard): their interests diverged. Boris Borisych was no longer interested in the issues of advanced indexation of wages and pensions.
In the evenings, he watched and listened to economic programs. He was interested in the exchange rates of ruble and US dollar, in the cost of a barrel of oil and the discount rate of the Central Bank.
There is a risk that the discount rate will be reduced.
After thinking about it, Boris Borisych decided to keep his old habits, to live on fifty thousand rubles a month. And he planned to use the saved fifty thousand to replenish the bank deposit. A possible reduction in the discount rate of the Central Bank will be neutralized by his efforts to increase the amount of funds placed on a bank deposit.
Boris Borisych did not restore the SIM card and did not purchase a new handset.
Every month, he receives one hundred thousand rubles from the bank (interest from the deposit), takes fifty thousand for his current expenses, adds fifty thousand to the main amount of the bank deposit and says to himself with a kind smile: "The current generation of our people will live in the epoch of a percentizm!"
He doesn't recall about the bread factory, the buns, or the apparatus for making buns.
March 17, 2025, 19:51 (7:51 p.m.)
Translation from Russian into English: March 17, 2025 23:32
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Борис Борисыч теряет свой сотовый телефон и становится финансовым капиталистом. Рассказ. '.
{ 3662. Борис Борисыч теряет свой сотовый телефон и становится финансовым капиталистом. Рассказ. - 17 марта 2025 г.
MMMDCXXXIII. Boris Borisych loses his cell phone and becomes a financial capitalist. A story. - March 17, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}