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Chance favors the prepared. Elon Musk and the Universal Space Apparatus. The essay

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    Chance favors the prepared. Elon Musk and the Universal Space Apparatus. The essay.

  Chance favors the prepared. Elon Musk and the Universal Space Apparatus. The essay.
  What is interesting about the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket) tests conducted by Elon Musk?
  The Great Space Revolution is coming soon. Humanity is on the verge of a world of achievement.
  With the consistent development of space technology, there is a possibility to see a familiar picture in the near future.
  Relatively small spaceships deliver cargo to outer space, to space bodies, to space stations.
  Space stations are being modified. They continue to be built in a modular fashion. But new stations are emerging in near-earth orbit, in lunar orbit. Bases (space stations) are created on the surface of cosmic bodies (Moon, Mars ...).
  The development of space technology is a very expensive and economically difficult business.
  Until recently, the United States did not have the ability to deliver astronauts to the ISS on its own spacecraft.
  In the recent past, the MIR space station was liquidated at the initial stage of the ISS operation. One of the arguments in favor of elimination was the rational use of financial resources allocated to space activities.
  The development of the space industry will look completely different after Elon Musk succeeds.
  He is moving towards the creation of a Universal (Multifunctional) Space Apparatus.
  The Universal Space Apparatus is potentially a spacecraft, a space station, a space base on the surface of a space body, a space refueling tanker, and even a vehicle for moving cargo for earthly tasks.
  Moreover, the plans include the in-line production of Universal Space Apparatuses.
  The SN10 prototype was tested on March 3, 2021. That is, about 10 samples have already been tested. According to Wikipedia, SN19 is under construction.
  So the world is on the verge of a cosmic revolution and great achievements. The creation of the Universal Space Apparatus will create completely new trajectories for the development of human civilization and space technology, the space industry.
  After the presentation of this forecast in this essay, we turn to the popular science ideas. For lovers of riddles and encrypted inscriptions, such information will be interesting. One of the space devices launched earlier has a chip with an inscription encrypted using a museum's Enigma. The chip contains the concepts of "Universal Space Apparatus", "Great Space Revolution", as well as the phrase "Chance favors the prepared" ("Chance favors the prepared mind". Louis Pasteur ( It can be expected that after the publication of this essay of ours, a student from some European capital will suddenly discover in himself the desire to find a space device and decipher the records on the chip. He will be assisted by the most creative part of the Internet users. The results of the student's efforts will be widely sanctified by the efforts of the most powerful media. Encryption, placement of a chip on a space device and recognition of the own role in creating riddles will be done by a certain systems programmer from a large space firm.
  Let us return from mysteries and encrypted inscriptions to the achievements of space technology.
  With a high degree of probability, a Great Space Revolution awaits us in the near future.
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  March 5, 2021 02:16
  Translation from Russian into English: March 5, 2021 03:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'На пороге нового мира достижений. Илон Маск и Универсальный Космический Аппарат. Очерк'.
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