Аннотация: Cute stylized women's asses, naked boys, Crimea, sports, cars, airplanes... A culturological note about the book "Deyneka. Graphics".
Cute stylized women's asses, naked boys, Crimea, sports, cars, airplanes... A culturological note about the book "Deyneka. Graphics".
For simplicity, consider the work by Aleksandr Deyneka "At the construction of new workshops" (tentatively 1929). (The work is posted on page 218 of the book in question ['Дейнека. Графика'. Москва. 2009.]).
The artist depicted two women - one young, the second - of indeterminate age ...
What is typical for the real situation? As a rule, the real situation of building a new workshop is characterized by noise and a not very pleasant smell. And there - in this work of the master of fine arts - the noise and the smell are absent. The sheet of paper issues neither noise nor smell.
In a real situation, there is discipline and a schedule. Bosses and the labor collective are added to the discipline and schedule. Bosses and 'colleagues' working nearby are not always pleasant people.
In the work of Aleksandr Deyneka, there is no bosses nor work team.
If a new workshop is being built, then, as a rule, the premises are more or less dirty, the floor has not been washed, a some rubbish is scattered. Neither dirt nor rubbish Aleksandr Deyneka depicts.
In real life, women during the construction of the workshop are dressed and shod in clothes and shoes that are not very nice.
Aleksandr Deyneka leaves the topic of shoes. Two women have no shoes at all. They feel comfortable without shoes.
Their clothes are - the light, quite pretty, simple dresses.
What remains?
A young woman with a stylized figure and a smile.
A woman of indeterminate age does not lift or carry anything, does not dig anything. She moves an object. Something is on wheels. So if she bend her body, direct the fifth point towards the viewer, then it is not so difficult to move the named object from its place ...
After the work by Aleksandr Deyneka "At the construction of new workshops" we are switching away to some more general "secrets".
What topics could give the painter a good career?
Civil War theme? A criticism of Denikin's military and "Cossacks"?
A criticism of religion and NEPmen [entrepreneurs of the times of the NEP policy]?
A depiction of political actions?
Perhaps it's time to recall Bolkhovitinov's design bureau. Bolkhovitinov was a good man and quite an skilled figure. He did not take away scientific business from anyone. It is quite possible that he did not set anyone up - he did not write statements and denunciations against anyone. Even if he did not have any noticeable professional success.
But year after year, a lot of money were pumping through his scientific business. One can only guess why these "kind people" allowed him to engage in such "useful" activities from year to year, from decade to decade, and to sail on a yacht.
Gradually, those whom Aleksandr Deyneka once painted on the poster 'A healthy mind is in a healthy body'. The utterance by K. Voroshilov" materialize from the social fog' (page 213 of the book in question).
In addition to the theme of the civil war, Nepmen, religion, political actions, there are also eternal themes of the naked body and sports. These themes were popular with the ancient Greeks.
Naturally, these topics will be popular in the USSR as well. It is clear that the content should be corrected, styled.
In addition, the ancient Greeks had images of ships and horse-drawn chariots. In modern life, these are airplanes, cars and other vehicles.
The themes of heroes and of a glory are adding .
The semi-mythical happy island is a place of delight. Also known to the ancient Greeks. (It's a Crimea - during the period of creativity of Aleksandr Deyneka).
Aleksandr Deyneka switches from the topic of the fight against religion and other not very attractive topics to more interesting directions.
A prosperous life immediately arises, numerous trips abroad ... He was allowed [not banned] to carry out private orders in the USA ?! And why not - a decent person needs a currency ...
In the 30s (of the 20th century) Alexander Deineka travels around the Crimea in an American Ford car (page 492 of the book in question).
In real life, Zalessky Vladimir Vasilievich defends Rostov-on-Don, but remains without a reward.
Zalessky Vladimir Vasilievich creates a scientific business, but ... After many years of inspections, the scientific business "leaves" to other people.
Patriot of the Soviet Motherland Comrade Vlasov A.V. considers Zalesky's statement about establishing the details of the battle on November 20, 1941 and instructs to prepare a response. The application was transferred to the Komsomol organization for the purposes of patriotic education.
All this rotten fabric disintegrates (finally) and crumbles in 1991.
[MMСCCLXVII. Unlucky designer, darling of fate Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov ("patron"). Secrets of the scientific business in the USSR. A biographical sketch. - September 11, 2021.
MMDCCXVI. Aleksandr Deyneka "Conquerors of Tselina in the Crimea". A culturological essay. - January 23, 2022.
MMDCCCXLVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay. - March 27, 2022.].
May 3, 2022 06:55
Translation from Russian into English: May 3, 2022 09:27.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Симпатичные стилизованные женские попки, голенькие мальчики, Крым, спорт, автомобили, самолеты... Культурологическая заметка о книге 'Дейнека. Графика''.
{ 2955. Симпатичные стилизованные женские попки, голенькие мальчики, Крым, спорт, автомобили, самолеты... Культурологическая заметка о книге 'Дейнека. Графика'.
MMCMXXV. Cute stylized women's asses, naked boys, Crimea, sports, cars, airplanes... A culturological note about the book "Deyneka. Graphics". }