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Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay

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    Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay.

  Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay.
  The news about the construction of a water conduit with a length of 200 km has just been heard. From the Rostov region (farm Dugino in the Azov district of the Rostov region?) to the Donbass.
  What information row does this news fit into?
  Rostov-on-Don is gradually turning into an overpopulated metropolis. In the relatively recent historical past, a notable practice was to solve the problem of providing construction companies with cheap land plots at the expense of the urban forests, groves, and parks. At the expense of the territory of the Botanical Garden.
  The situation with water in the Don River is not entirely favorable. From time to time there is news about the restriction of navigation due to the insufficient water level in the Don River.
  Hydraulic structures are being built - do you need to raise the water level in the river to ensure the navigation, shipping? However, there is a point of view that such efforts will only exacerbate the problems in the strategic perspective.
  In a very quiet, almost in a imperceptible, way there was information that the subjects of the federation, through whose territories the Don River flows, are trying to combine efforts to protect the flow of water into the river. But does anyone need it? Such an initiative? To do this, it is necessary to expand the water protection zones, to expand the forest areas, but how to combine it with the ensuring of sustainable profits for the loved businesses organizations?
  As you know, the Don River flows into the Sea of Azov. There are problems in the Sea of Azov. Different ones. For example, levels of salinity and pollution are rising. The composition of the fauna is changing. But there is no need to worry. For every problem there is a certain "specialist" who is explaining in an affectionate voice that nothing terrible is happening.
  A positive experience in solving water problems has also been accumulated. For example, a grandiose program of tourist and other transformations was launched on the famous peninsula. Little later they had to solve the problem of fresh water shortage.
  An equally ambitious water supply program for the peninsula was developed and launched. For example, desalination plants of enormous capacity were provided for,as well as the obtaining water from underground horizons. Some futurologists warn that groundwater will be depleted relatively soon, soil failures will begin. Should somebody be worried?
  No one compared the huge costs of water supply to the peninsula with income from tourism and other grandiose projects - in any case, we did not come across such information.
  So, the problem of water supply began to be solved. And suddenly the heavy rains began, and we were informed that Yalta was flooded, that, in general, there were many problems due to excess water.
  What about the water supply program? What about huge capacity desalination plants? Is the money sending? Somehow it is not clear.
  Now the positive experience of water supply is applied in a new version.
  "Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov, together with Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation Eli Isaev, flew around the areas of future construction in a helicopter." [unofficial translation]
  "Dugino [a settlement on the banks of the Don River] meets with hysterical barking of yard dogs, whistling wind over empty streets, wide gravel roads, firmly covered by gray ice. All around is in desolation - the empty frames of abandoned huts, the corridors of a closed department store covered with graffiti. (...)
  - Since the beginning of December, this has been going on. They started the project of water [conduit]. We [in the very Dugino] don't have any tap water. But the counters were set! So the head [of a settlement] seems to have generally said that there will be nothing [done - in connection of the water conduit project] here [for Dugino itself] - the population is too small.
  The locals cope with the trouble as best they can: someone dug a well, somebody drilled for a water intake. But this is all technical water, so you have to buy bottled water. " [unofficial translation]
  The project is being implemented, is underway by high level specialists.
  January 23, 2023 07:05
  Translation from Russian into English: January 23, 2023 08:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Деанаквазация. Строительство водовода из Ростовской области в Донбасс. Очерк.".
  { 3261. Деанаквазация. Строительство водовода из Ростовской области в Донбасс. Очерк.
  MMMCCXXXII. Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
  Note: About the illustration for this miniature "MMMCCXXXIII. The illustration for
  an essay on a water conduit (khutor Dugino). A diary note." (January 24, 2023)
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