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Donald Trump with glory enters the world history. An essay

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    Donald Trump with glory enters the world history. An essay.

  Donald Trump with glory enters the world history. An essay.
  Contemporaries are best aware of the details. It is difficult for them to understand the significance of a historical figure.
  Consider the great and noble historical figures of the 20th century, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  Assessments of Woodrow Wilson's activities from his contemporaries were very ambiguous.
  By the will of circumstances, at the moments of the 1945 Victory over Germany and the Victory over Japan, contemporaries focused their attention not to Franklin D. Roosevelt, but to Harry S. Truman.
  Moreover, contemporaries of great achievements did not recall either Woodrow Wilson or Warren G. Harding in connection with the Victory over Japan in 1945 ...
  However, even if we do not talk about the achievements of Donald Trump in the spheres of politics and economics (and in other areas), and do not evaluate them now, then the achievements in the field of space and space technology alone make Donald Trump's presidency historic.
  It was during the leadership of Donald Trump that the United States became the undisputed leader in the space sector!
  Donald Trump with glory enters the world history!
  December 8, 2020 17:28
  Translation from Russian into English: December 8, 2020 17:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Дональд Трамп со славой входит в мировую историю. Эссе".
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