Overcoming the partition of the Rzeczpospolita, the restoration of the East-Republican state and the so-called Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921. A political forecast
Аннотация: Overcoming the partition of the Rzeczpospolita, the restoration of the East-Republican state and the so-called Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921. A political forecast.
Overcoming the partition of the Rzeczpospolita, the restoration of the East-Republican state and the so-called Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921. A political forecast.
The content:
1. A preliminary remarks.
2. A historical factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
3. A historical attractiveness of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
4. The disappearance of the factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita.
5. The factors of restoration of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
6. Some obstacles to the restoration of the Velikolithuanian state.
7. A forecast.
1. A preliminary remarks.
The political history of Kastus Kalinowski (the years of Kastus Kalinowski's life 1838 - 1864) testifies to the fact that not only people of Polish nationality were fighting for the overcoming of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita. (Rzeczpospolita was an alliance of the Polish state and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Following three consecutive partitions carried out between 1772 and 1795, the sovereign state known as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as allied countries - the Polish state and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania [the Velikolithuanian state] - disappeared from the map of Europe).
In the very name "the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921" one can feel the combination of concepts of a various nature. "Soviet" is a notion that characterizes the state structure. "Polish" is predominantly an ethnic notion.
Thus, the name "Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921" is to a certain extent a meaningless, alleged historical concept.
The corresponding events of 1919-1921 look completely different if they are considered as an armed historical action for overcoming the partition of the Rzeczpospolita (the partition was completed in 1795), to restore the East-Republican state (Rzeczpospolita) and the Velikolithuanian state.
2. A historical factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
Rzeczpospolita was a huge East-Republican power with colossal cultural and democratic potential.
To carry out its partition (and its liquidation) unique historical opportunities were needed.
What factors made it possible to carry out the partition (and liquidation) of the Rzeczpospolita?
Let's list them.
A) One of the main factors was the historical patronage from the side of of the Romanov dynasty, ruling in Russia, over Prussia. Russia's enormous historical energy was channeled, was used to support Prussia. Russia (under the leadership of the Romanov dynasty) cultivated, raised, bring Prussia up to a powerful international position, and this historical result was one of the factors in the fall of the Romanov dynasty.
B) Prussia itself (regardless of Russia's support) was the heir to the high general and managerial culture of the Teutonic Order.
C) A high historical reputation and a general potential of the Habsburg state (Austrian, Austro-Hungarian monarchy). The growth of this potential, the increase (cultural and economic) of the attractiveness of the Habsburg state after the reforms carried out by the Empress Maria Theresa (years of life 1717 - 1780).
D) Political and military alliance of Russia, Prussia, Austria.
E) Powerful revolutionary changes in France (started in 1789), which made it difficult for France to support the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by military and foreign policy actions.
F) The united, allied armed struggle of the monarchist powers against revolutionary France created an operational tactical historical factor in military actions against the democratic Rzeczpospolita (a potential and actual ally of France).
3. A historical attractiveness of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
The partition, which ended in 1795, was not able to put under question, to annul the cultural, democratic attractiveness of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - a huge East-Republican power with high democratic and legal standards, a high level of protection of human rights and freedoms.
4. The disappearance of the factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita.
During of a history process, the historical factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita disappeared.
A) The Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the Russian monarchy (the Romanov dynasty) left the political arena.
B) The political support of Prussia from the representatives of the Romanov dynasty (and Russia) ceased. (Among the events of the mid-19th century that caused deep, widespread, although clearly not noticeable, all-national disappointment in Russia, were (a) the transition of Prussia to the position of obvious opponent of Russia and (b) the inability to hold and to develop Alaska; the sale of Alaska. These events were, possibly , are too complex, incomprehensible for their broad discussion by people of different levels of education. But they were perceived intuitively and were present in the political subconsciousness of broad strata of the population in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Perhaps no one believed in a telegraph wire between St. Petersburg and Berlin during the First World War, but few knew the history of Prussia, had the relevant detailed information; the intuitive perception of the situation, a feelings of annoyance and bitterness were converted into conversations about the telegraph wire ... One can assume that among the motives of Nicholas II's partly adventurous attempt to occupy territories in Manchuria - which led to the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 - there was a desire to free the dynasty reputation off the subconscious complex of Alaska ...).
C) An unsuccessful foreign policy positioning of Prussia. The politics of the Great Elector Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, (years of life: 1620 -1688), was replaced by a short-sighted attempt by Prussia to dominate Europe.
5. The factors of the restoration of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).
A) Victory in the First World War of the USA, Great Britain, France - the democratic powers.
B) The coming to power in the USSR (temporarily) of political figures of East-Republican origin (Felix Dzerzhinsky, Gleb Krzhizhanovsky). Sharp strengthening of the USSR in the 30-50s of the 20th century. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. The launch of the space project by Sergei Korolev, an East-Republican by origin. The restoration of the New Lithuania, Central Lithuania, South Lithuania - actually the restoration of the borders of the entire the Velikolithuanian state (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania). Restoration of the Polish state. The contradictory cultural policy of the USSR, which contained a hidden vector towards overcoming the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, towards the restoration of the East-Republican state and the Velikolithuanian state.
6. Some obstacles to the restoration of the Velikolithuanian state.
A) Historical stochasticity.
The obstacles to the restoration of the Velikolithuanian state include the historical stochasticity of the restoration of the statehood of the former elements of the Velikolithuanian state (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) and the corresponding historical inconsistency in the names. It was customary to call the Velikolithuanian state not only the 'Grand Duchy of Lithuania', but also 'Lithuania'. It would be quite logical to use the name "Lithuania" to refer to the restored the Velikolithuanian state. And until the moment of restoration, to use the name, for example, "New Lithuania" ("Northern Lithuania", "Baltic Lithuania") - or the similar ...
B) Cultural and historical traditions of the Romanov dynasty.
The cultural and historical traditions of the Romanov dynasty were expressed in the formation of a distorted image of the past, in the formation and exploitation of fragmentary historical illiteracy (the Velikolithuanian state (the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) was made transparent, invisible; the Polish state was given negative qualities).
These traditions were adopted by some layers of the Soviet and post-Soviet elite.
However, the corresponding traditions were not peculiar to Peter the Great, his second wife Catherine (Skavronskaya) and daughter Elizabeth Petrovna.
A contradictory attitude towards the Romanov dynasty among the people of Russia took place (as the events of 1917 showed) ...
Soviet people enjoyed watching the television multiseries "The austeria-café "13 chairs "", "Four Tankmen and a Dog," and treated (and continue to treat) Poland with respect and sympathy.
And the post-Soviet people - modern citizens of Russia - are either indifferent to attempts to incite them against Poland, or they cannot restrain their ironic facial expressions in responce of such attempts...
(Historical illiteracy, the traditions of "The History" (by Karamzin) (a work written with the participation of Emperor Alexander the First) are manifesting themselves when talking about ancient times - in the style of talks about the "Polish occupiers" in the Time of Troubles (but in fact - not the Time of Troubles, but the glorious times), "Occupiers" who were not quite "Polish" and not quite "occupiers" - there were invitations from the official Moscow authorities and other legal grounds for appearing in Moscow, and which for some time initiated historical competition in relation of the representatives of the Romanov dynasty ...).
7. A forecast.
The main factors of the partition of the Rzeczpospolita (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) (which was completed in 1795) disappeared. On the contrary, the factors that contribute to overcoming the partition and to the restoration of the Velikolithuanian state, uniting New Lithuania, Central Lithuania, and Southern Lithuania are gaining strength. The Velikolithuanian state cannot but exert a positive, political, cultural and other influence on Russia. Accordingly, the preconditions for a close association of Russia with the Velikolithuanian state (or its elements), with all states of Western, Central and Eastern Europe arise.
August 26, 2020 05:29
Translation from Russian into English: August 27, 2020 13:23.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Преодоление раздела Речи Посполитой, восстановление восточно-республиканской державы и так называемая советско-польская война 1919-1921 годов. Политический прогноз'.