Аннотация: Getting money (water) out of thin air. The Far Eastern hectare - the Far Eastern quarter - the Far Eastern demographic failure. An economic essay.
Getting money (water) out of thin air. The Far Eastern hectare - the Far Eastern quarter - the Far Eastern demographic failure. An economic essay.
The most famous owner of a Far Eastern hectare is a migrant who crossed over from one of the Russian Kuril Islands to Japan. After arriving (by swimming) in Japan, he asked his acquaintance in the Russian Far East to sell a racing motorcycle that belonged to a swimmer. What about a hectare?
Entertaining stories were connected with people who received Far Eastern hectares and invested money, labor and time in them. After that, the hectares acquired a noticeable value. And the owners of hectares have entered a period of bureaucratic adventures (affaires, events).
(Since the beginning of the program, only 67,803 citizens of the Russian Federation have used it.) [unofficial translation]
Now, after the "Far Eastern hectare", a "Far Eastern quarter" has appeared.
"...to date, as part of the Far Eastern Quarter program, 7 pilot sites have been selected in 7 regions of the Far Eastern Federal District with a total area of planned housing commissioning of 2.1 million square meters. m. All selected sites involve the construction of large residential complexes from 100 thousand square meters. m. In fact, construction work will begin in 2023." [unofficial translation]
"MOSCOW, August 9, 2022, 12:04 - REGNUM As part of the Far Eastern Quarters program, investors have already been found in all regions. This was stated on August 9 by the head of the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, Nikolai Zapryagaev, at a working meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin." [unofficial translation]
"According to official data from Rosstat, in January-September 2021, the population of the Far Eastern Federal District decreased due to natural decline and migration by almost 16.5 thousand people. A year earlier, the decrease over the same period amounted to just over 11,000 people. It is reported by "The Rambler". [unofficial translation] https://news.rambler.ru/sociology/47641427/?utm_content=news_media&utm_medium=read_more&utm_source=copylink"
One of the emotional modern symbols are huge high-rise multi-storey buildings located (as a rule) on the "outskirts", abandoned by residents and frightening viewers with missing windows...
When you compare different information blocks about the state of affairs in the Far East and the planned events, you get the impression that you are dealing with another project to get money (water) out of thin air.
August 9, 2022 12:51
Translation from Russian into English: August 9, 2022 13:14.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Получение денег (воды) из воздуха. Дальневосточный гектар - дальневосточный квартал - дальневосточный демографический провал. Экономический очерк".
{ 3126. Получение денег (воды) из воздуха. Дальневосточный гектар - дальневосточный квартал - дальневосточный демографический провал. Экономический очерк.
MMMXCVII. Getting money (water) out of thin air. The Far Eastern hectare - the Far Eastern quarter - the Far Eastern demographic failure. An economic essay.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}