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Geysers of new breakthrough ideas. An essay

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    Geysers of new breakthrough ideas. An essay.

  Geysers of new breakthrough ideas. An essay.
  According to media reports, the idea of the possibility of trampling off the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka (Russia) has been questioned.
  It turns out that you need to treat everyone as "your own people". In this case, the Valley of Geysers will not be trampled off.
  Let's not be surprised here: maybe foreign citizens are more dear to someone than the citizens of the country?
  We only note that in many tourist areas (Barcelona, Venice and others) the issue of limiting the tourist flow, the theme of limiting the massive unlimited access of tourists is actively and persistently discussed. And such a discussion takes place in tourist areas that are of common access, and not in areas that have received the status of specially protected natural areas (like the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka - the Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. It was established as a state reserve in 1934 on the site of the Soboliniy Reserve [Sable Reserve] that had existed since 1882. - Wikipedia).
  Note that we have put forward an original concept for the development of recreational areas within walking distance from the place of residence ("Affordable free rest in pedestrian accessibility for any resident of any settlement of Russia") - in contrast to the approach promoted by the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation, by other organizations (and individuals) to the development of mass tourism (abroad), of tourism and recreation, requiring charter aviation flights. At the same time, we spoke in favor of liquidating the Federal Agency for Tourism (Russia) (Rostourism) [Ростуризм]. (In its current form, with today's concepts, algorithms and traditions - this organization may raise doubts about the feasibility of its existence).
  It would be wrong to think that neither this concept nor the (another) original concept "East Republican space project and the Russian (Soviet) intelligentsia" has been noticed by anyone. Of course they are noticed.
  Influential figures disagree with many of the provisions of these Concepts. But a lot can be used. So there are helpful approaches. But it is customary to give out tasty pies to 'other persons'.
  Do you want to hear lectures from those involved in the default of Yeltsin-era? It seems that the citizens of Russia and observers from all over the world will have such an opportunity.
  They are arranged not badly and receive numerous tasty pies for their breakthrough ideas. "You will be succeed!"
  [MDXLIII. A catastrophic climate incident in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and a new approach to recreational and urban policy. The essay. - July 5, 2020.
  MDCXCVII. Digitalization in a Russial style. Or a peasant cart in front of a horse. A sketch. - September 7, 2020.
  MMСXL. The original historical concept by Vladimir Zalessky "East-Republican Space Project and the Russial (Soviet) intelligentsia". - April 29, 2021.].
  May 21, 2021 07:12
  Translation from Russian into English: May 21, 2021 08:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Гейзеры новых, прорывных, идей. Очерк'.
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