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Heinrich Schliemann - a honorary citizen of Berlin. A diary note

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    MMMCDLXXXIII. Heinrich Schliemann - a honorary citizen of Berlin. A diary note. - April 18, 2024.

  Heinrich Schliemann - a honorary citizen of Berlin. A diary note.
  On April 13, 2024, I wrote and posted a miniature "In Serbia, they read Vladimir Zalessky's book (?). A diary note."
  In this miniature, in particular, there were such words: "And I, the author of the book, decided to send my book by mail (this book describes, shows the Laws of Success by Heinrich Schliemann) to various libraries (cultural organizations).
  For example:
  Neues Museum (New Museum) (Germany) (the book was sent on December 29, 2023; postal identifier [track number] RO301261836RU) - nowadays this Museum houses ancient artifacts, and apparently this museum may contain some archaeological finds by Heinrich Schliemann, and apparently this museum should to own a "Priam's Gold" found by Heinrich Schliemann."
  The culture of Heinrich Schliemann is fundamentally different from the criminal sub-culture of throweres, spinners, rollers, (phone) pranksters and other actors.
  Those citizens who regularly hear laudatory reviews of the glorious deeds of modern prankers, who have both Russian first and last names and artificially created nicknames - these citizens treat any incoming information with a certain degree of distrust - as people, who are living in an atmosphere of criminal subculture.
  Today, April 18th, 2024, I received by e-mail and read the following letter (in Russian):
  Учебник писательского успеха_Берлин
  Когда: 18 апреля в 14:37
  Кому: moto1111111@yandex.ru
  От кого: Gass, Dr. Anton A.Gass@smb.spk-berlin.de
  Здравствуйте, уважаемый Владимир Владимирович,
  Благодарим Вас от имени музея за книгу 'Учебник писательского успеха. Часть I Генрих Шлиман и его уроки'. Ваша книга, высланная в декабре 2023 г. в Новый Музей была вчера доставлена. Эту публикацию мы передадим в библиотеку музея.
  Еще раз спасибо!
  С наилучшими пожеланиями из Берлина,
  сотрудники музея.
  [Translation of the letter in English:]
  "A tutorial of a writer's success
  When: April 18 at 2:37 p.m.
  To whom: moto1111111@yandex.ru
  From whom: Gass, Dr. Anton A.Gass@smb.spk-berlin.de
  Hello, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
  Thank you on behalf of the museum for the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons". Your book, which was sent to the New Museum in December 2023, was delivered yesterday. We will transfer this book to the museum's library.
  Thanks again!
  With best wishes from Berlin,
  the museum staff."
  I wish a prosperity to the city of Berlin (Heinrich Schliemann - a honorary citizen of Berlin).
  I wish the Neues Museum (New Museum) a well-being, success, replenishment of museum funds with unique archaeological finds of world level (nowadays this museum houses ancient artifacts, and apparently this museum may contain some archaeological finds by Heinrich Schliemann, and apparently this museum should to own a "Priam's Gold", - archaeological values, which were found by Heinrich Schliemann).
  With deep respect to the New Museum and to the staff of the New Museum,
  Vladimir Zalessky
  April 18, 2024 23:27
  Translation from Russian into English: April 19, 2024 01:08
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Генрих Шлиман - почётный гражданин Берлина. Дневниковая заметка '.
  {3512. Генрих Шлиман - почётный гражданин Берлина. Дневниковая заметка. - 18 апреля 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXXXIII. Heinrich Schliemann - a honorary citizen of Berlin. A diary note. - April 18, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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