What are the differences between a non-paid and meaningless international lawyer and an international adventurer? The essay on the history of diplomacy
Аннотация: What are the differences between a non-paid and meaningless international lawyer and an international adventurer? The essay on the history of diplomacy.
What are the differences between a non-paid and meaningless international lawyer and an international adventurer? The essay on the history of diplomacy.
If you look at the history of relations between the USA and the USSR, you can see a lot of positive things.
Famine began in Russia after the Bolsheviks came to power. The United States provided food aid, which, according to Maxim Gorky, helped save tens of millions of human lives.
The Fourteen Points of US President Woodrow Wilson contributed to the return of Russia to the international arena after the Brest Peace and other events.
Thanks to the United States, the occupation of the Russian Far East by Japan ended for Russia bloodlessly in the 1920s. How many lives have been saved?
The 30s of the 20th century was a period when specialists from the USA helped to bring the economy of the USSR to a new level.
(President Franklin Roosevelt condemned the partition of Czechoslovakia in 1938.)
Allied relations between the USSR and the USA during the Second World War. Lend-Lease.
60s of the 20th century. Soviet attempts to buy grain in the United States ...
Concrete, clear, positive steps.
Few have done so much for China as the USSR. What in return? The adjustment of the border? Thanks for this adjustment. Russia's right to sell to China at prices, that are unknown to most Russial citizens, hydrocarbons? A peculiar migration balance?
Today we learn that an informal meeting of the BRICS foreign ministers was held, at which Foreign Minister of Russia Lavrov condemned the attempts of some political circles to raise the question of China's responsibility for some events in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.
(I will reproduce information about the meeting of BRICS ministers and the actions of Mr. Haftar by memory - after listening to the news on the radio).
This is reminiscent of an actions of a non-paid and meaningless international lawyer. What will Russia get in return? Feeling of gratitude? Voting at the UN Security Council on Venezuela? The right to sell hydrocarbons at an even better for China price? An even more peculiar migration balance?
The actions of a non-paid and meaningless international lawyer can be recalled in connection with Mr. Haftar, a politician from Libya.
Who is the Haftar, and why does Russia need him? Why does Russia need Libya? How many of a similar portions of help have already been.
When there was a helping to a peoples from the so-called Portuguese colonies, it seemed that this was a very dynamic and exciting, interesting business. But, as it turned out in 1991, many foreign policy actions form a foreign political reputation and a foreign political plume.
The sense of drive disappeared somewhere ...
Now for some reason a great sympathy has arisen towards Mr. Haftar.
When Turkey announced plans to begin the deployment of troops to Libya, an unambiguous and close prospects opened up before Mr. Haftar.
A non-paid and meaningless international lawyer reappeared. A diplomatic machine started to function. Seems an appeal to Germany took place. Germany proposed to convene an international conference.
As a result of this conference, Mr. Haftar was given the opportunity to integrate according a more or less honorable conditions in the international (Western) policy regarding Libya.
Why would there be such generosity towards Mr. Haftar? Where does this affection for this not very clear politician come from? When it comes to direct financial assistance to Russial citizens during the coronavirus pandemic, there are many doubts about the effectiveness of such assistance. And Mr. Haftar, as we assume, is not a citizen of Russia ... It is logical to expect that if such generosity was shown to Mr. Haftar, then the citizens of Russia will be able to count on direct financial assistance ...
One way or another, the efforts were made - for the sake of Mr. Haftar, and the wheels of a large foreign policy mechanism were put into action.
And what do we see?
Mr. Haftar unilaterally changes the conditions of the game. He declares himself ruler of Libya!
The bonuses received by Mr. Haftar as a result of the benevolent efforts of the Russian foreign policy potential (in favor of Mr. Haftar) are nullifing.
(The moment of this action is a circumstance particularly admiring. Firstly, due to falling oil prices, the importance of oil-producing countries and territories in the international arena is objectively decreasing. Secondly, it was reported, it seems, about some successful military actions of opponents of Mr. Haftar. But , in general, it's better not to go into these details - the topic is interesting, fascinating and endless ...).
All that remains is to sigh and congratulate Mr. Foreign Minister Lavrov on new, successful steps in the foreign policy arena.
April 29, 2020 20:50
Translation from Russian into English: April 30, 2020 09:14.
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