Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tikhanovskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tikhanovskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch.

  Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch.
  Mr. Wintertund, after a long work in the tundra, moved to the capital, got a job at the Kosti-NF radio station. After 25 years of mortgage, he acquired a one-room apartment and arranged his son in one of the capital's universities.
  Now he worked as the second deputy general director of the radio station.
  Mr. Wintertund had a second cousiness. And his cousiness had a great-niece. The great-niece graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at a local university and got a job as a correspondent for one of the radio stations in the city of Severograd.
  Over time, Mr. Wintertund began to receive information about this distant relative through independent channels.
  The great-niece showed the ability to quickly compose materials and to broadcast them in air.
  The author's style appeared. She spoke words at a fast pace - about one and a half times faster than the average person pronounces words. Her intonations expressed simultaneously a thoughtful attention, regret, condemnation, surprise and even a slight irony. Hearing her intonation, a listener seemed was stopping, for a moment, and was asking himself: "What is this being done !?"
  All these qualities were in harmony with the media surname - Quicktalker. This surname attracted the attention of radio listeners with an unexpected comic sounding and created a positive emotional background. You can even imagine that some media genius - if one would appeared and met this surname on his way - could make a self-sufficient media product from this surname - without any other content.
  Young Mrs. Quicktalker was specializing, was focusing in domestic conflicts, accidents, lawsuits and similar events.
  But one day the distant province was overtaken, was filled by massive garbage protests.
  Young Mrs. Quicktalker "opened fire" to the participants of protests. And it turned out unexpectedly well, effective.
  Mr. Wintertund, then, collected reports, materials, worked out by a distant relative - the great-niece. He secured a positive opinion from influential colleagues in the Kosti-NF radio station and at a convenient moment gave the boss the idea to hire a distant relative.
  One of the important tasks of the boss was to ensure the well-being of the team gathered under his wing. The main factors of well-being were obvious and disguised tranches from the state budget. Proceeds from semi-criminal and criminal commercial structures also worked well. But the slave, serf labor of the provincials also fited into the tactics of solving this important task. Capital residents need time to improve their skills, and for current personal affairs, and for rest. But someone has to work? Who will prepare and will broadcast materials?
  At this time, the governor [head of distant Krai] was delivered to the capital from the far territories. This event aroused great interest in the population of the vast country.
  To switch attention from the governor's case, it was decided to organize a court case - a quasi-twin. The famous actor, who got into a car accident, received a perspective - to go through all the circles of the media performance.
  The journalistess, - the distant, quick-talking person, - was a perfect option to cover the court case - quasi-twin.
  The general director of the radio station agreed. Young Mrs. Quicktalker was called from the city of Severograd, arranged in one of the capital's hostels, and she started to work.
  She worked - one - as if three employees.
  Soon, the inhabitants of the great country were thoroughly familiar with the case of the famous actor, with the circumstances of the car accident, with the relationship between the lawyers participating in the case, with the negotiations (available for observers) between lawyers and persons involved in the case, with all the smallest details of a rather extensive case ...
  It was a clear success for the new metropolitan journalistess.
  The salary, of course, was not provincial, but metropolitan. But her salary was kept at the minimum metropolitan level, and no one was going to raise or to triple this salary.
  But what is a salary if a she does not have her own apartment in the capital?
  On the advice of colleagues, young Mrs. Quicktalker set a course for a mortgage. But for translation the idea on a mortgage into a practical plane, into the reality, a concentrated financial injections were required.
  'You see, Mr. Wintertund,' the general director explained to his second deputy, 'you can get good money only on a good political topic. Is your relative ready to switch to the topic of Belarus?'
  'I think, yes!'
  The period allotted by Tsikhanouskaya for Lukashenko came to end. The People's Ultimatum came into effect. And, at the same time, the case of the famous actor was almost completely exhausted.
  Young Mrs. Quicktalker from the case of a famous actor (with a tragic car accident) moved on to the topic of Belarus.
  The broadcasts poured into the air, questioning the prospects of the protests, drawing attention to the lack of massivity and vigor of the demonstrators, to the ambiguity of the results of the struggle of the Belarusian people against Lukashenko ...
  ... A thoughtful attention, regret, condemnation, surprise and even slight irony ... Hearing her intonation, a listener seemed was stopping, for a moment, and was asking himself: 'What is this being done !?'
  Young Mrs. Quicktalker went to a friendly (for the radio station) bank and opened an account there, necessary to promote the mortgage plans.
  At this moment, the protest passed into a qualitatively new stage, new state, which was not understandable for the supreme information puppeteers.
  A special telephone apparatus rang on the desk of the general director of the Kosti-NF radio station. There was no necessity to pick up the phone handset. People were appointed to the posts of chief directors of radio stations who understood such phone calls, signals without unnecessary words and conversations.
  The topic of Belarus was temporarily removed from the air.
  Young Mrs. Quicktalker was catching the glances of the metropolitan colleagues ... It seemed to Mrs. Quicktalker that she sees a thoughtful attention, regret, condemnation, surprise and even slight irony in the eyes of her colleagues ... There was, also, a sympathy.
  A new court case with participation of famous Russial actors appeared on the horizon. This time it was about real estate in the famous House on the Embankment ... Someone died, someone signed something, someone issued a power of attorney, someone wrung out something ...
  The case involving the governor from the distant Krai was not been completed yet ... A new court case was required - a quasi-twin.
  This whole a theatrical a circle dance, around expensive real estate and around millions of rubles in bank accounts, was not such a monetary matter as politics, especially, like the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, but, in any case, it was a reliable piece of bread.
  The project with a mortgage was pushed aside for a some time ...
  October 27, 2020 07:05
  Translation from Russian into English: October 27, 2020 22:23.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Журналистка из провинции, Народный Ультиматум Тихановской и столичная ипотека. Скетч'.
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