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Kirill Vyshinsky and a good coffee. The note

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    Kirill Vyshinsky and a good coffee. The note.

  Kirill Vyshinsky and a good coffee. The note.
  Today, August 28, 2020, in the morning we wrote a miniature "Our man is in the Pentagon. Vyshinsky, the overcoming the partition of the Commonwealth, the human rights activities. The note", in which we suggested that if a member of the HRC raises an eyebrow, then all the unmotivated internet censorship will stop. ("Only a one raising of an eyebrow on the part of a member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation and ... - we believe in this - ... and the page will be allowed to be created for placing a patriotic literary work, and obstacles for placing large text files will disappear, and the counters will restore their work ... ").
  In the afternoon we checked the work of the counters ...
  The counter of visitors (that is, readers) does not show positive dynamics - for three years, since 2018, it cannot pass over (jump over) 4000. But the counter of reads (readings) of specific works showed a positive movement. Now it shows a little more than five hundred thousand reads (readings) in total for the entire period of the section's existence (504092). Logically, if from August 1, 2020 to add by a thousand (in fact, with each next "moving", "renewing" of the counter there was a raising (in a borders) from 1000 to 5000), then as of August 28, 2020 there should have been about 528,000 ... Anyway, a trifle , but there is a feeling of nice ...
  From this, we can make an assumption - Kirill Vyshinsky (although he did not raise an eyebrow) - he drank good coffee.
  If this is true, then we bring him our thanks ...
  (Of course, the rest of the problems remained ... And how long - in future - the counter of readings of specific works will function properly? ...).
  August 28, 2020 17:47
  Translation from Russian into English: August 29, 2020 02:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кирилл Вышинский и хороший кофе. Заметка".
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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