Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov had a great day.
  He practiced a Nordic walking and a rowing.
  In a pleasant situation there was also an unpleasant moment.
  Lenya agreed with the owner of the oar boat that he would pay $5 each day for renting the boat ($5 per day). Payment is daily.
  Lenya made a financial analisys at the time of reaching an agreement.
  If the dollar exchange rate were 100 rubles or more, then the daily cost of renting an oar boat would be approximately 500 rubles per day.
  And at a rate of about 55 rubles per dollar, the rent is only 275 rubles a day. Or less - with a depreciation of the dollar.
  275 rubles per day of using the oar boat is quite normal ...
  On the first day of using the boat, Lenya was tired. Yes, besides, he did not plan his time correctly. He walked past a bank where he would have a foreign currency account when the bank was on a break.
  On the first day, it was not possible to pay for the boat.
  On the second day, in the morning, Lenya could not pay because the bank had not yet opened. In addition, because of 5-10 dollars, it would be impolite to disturb a person in the morning.
  In the afternoon, during working hours, Lenya visited the bank, where he had a dollar account.
  An employee of the bank who was on duty at the reception escorted Lenya to the director. The director received Lenya kindly, seated him in a chair, offered him a cup of tea with cookies, and showed him a folder of documents on currency regulation.
  The director fliped documents through and gave them comments.
  As a result of the explanations, Lenya realized that he could not receive 10 dollars from his foreign currency account. But everything is changing. Perhaps tomorrow he will be able to receive even more sum. Although, there are no guarantees.
  Lenya felt something unpleasant, but said nothing. He depends on the bank and on the director, and on their benevolence. In addition, the director was extremely polite. All this prevented the expression of criticism or indignation.
  In general, the day (the second day of renting the boat) went well, and Lenya was already returning home when the owner of the oar boat caught up with him.
  Instead of greeting, the owner of the boat said unkindly:
  - So should I follow you? Should I to catching up you? Your debt is 10 dollars!
  - I wanted to give money this morning, but it would be impolite to disturb you because of 10 dollars, - Lenya said, wanting to soften the situation.
  - You from the very polite ones? asked the owner of the boat.
  Lenya was silent. He took out 275 rubles from his pocket and tried to hand them to the owner of the boat.
  - What's this?
  - Boat rental fee!
  - We agreed on dollars!
  - The bank refused to give me dollars!
  - I now have to tell you about my questions that arise in the maintenance of the boat? This is we get a pointless conversation!
  Lenya felt that the conversation was reaching a dead end. And all this because of just $10.
  He remembered how creative people left their watches in restaurants - in the absence of money to pay for the dishes eaten.
  - I have a gold chain! Take it as payment or as a pledge!
  - This is far we will go!
  Lenya rummaged in his pockets.
  He found two large beautiful banknotes with many zeros left over from his trip to Ceylon.
  - Here! Take it!
  The owner of the boat silently looked at the banknotes and did not answer anything.
  Suddenly Lenya remembered his foreign currency account opened with Duboffbank [Oakbank]. There are no offices in this bank, but there are electronic hollows. And funds from the electronic hollow can be obtained through an ATM.
  There was an ATM nearby.
  - Let's go! I'll pay out you all the means now! - Lenya invited the owner of the rowing boat to the ATM.
  They went to an ATM.
  However, either the low speed of Internet access, or a failure of programs, but something prevented Lenya from withdrawing 10 dollars from his Duboffbank [Oakbank] account and receiving them through an ATM.
  Lenya was confused.
  The owner of the boat said contemptuously:
  - My grandfather was a grain merchant. He talked about the default that the Bolsheviks allowed after the revolution. Then there was a leader, he said that everything would be all right. And the ruble collapsed. Now - you.
  Lenya was completely confused. On the one hand, he was pleased that he was put on the same level with Lenin and the great figures of the post-Soviet era, but on the other hand, it was somehow unexpected ...
  - So, after all, payments in the cash dollars are prohibited, - Lenya remarked timidly.
  The owner of the boat silently turned his back on him and walked away.
  On the way home, Lenya sat down on a bench. Wind started to blow. And it seemed to Lena that Scythians on fast horses rushed past him ... They had a lot of gold jewelry.
  Lenya returned home and indulged in thoughts about the grimaces of Russian history and the difficulties in the work of financial markets.
  After all, he is a historical faculty graduate and is under no obligation to anticipate unexpected financial events...
  It was easy to operate for the Scythians - they paid off in gold ... As well as by sheep and bulls ...
  The Scythians lived richly ...
  June 28, 2022 13:21
  Translation from Russian into English: June 28, 2022 14:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров делает в торговом центре фотографию женщины, купившей утюг. Рассказ'.
  { 3073. Лёня Бобров не может выполнить финансовые обязательства по техническим причинам. Рассказ.
  MMMXLIV. Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story. }
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