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Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story.
  People of big plans have turned Sochi into an international sports center - into a city where numerous sports and non-sports huge facilities have been built.
  Coincidentally, after that, adverse climatic phenomena became noticeable in Sochi.
  Sometimes the opinion is expressed that there is a relationship between the transformation of the city, between large-scale construction, on the one hand, and the adverse climatic phenomena, on the other hand.
  But can this relationship be proven? And who can prove it?
  So, this opinion remains only an unconfirmed hypothesis.
  Lenya Bobrov learns that in Sochi over the past day, cars (in a noticeable amount) have become victims of the elements. Some cars were swept away, carried away by the current, while others were simply flooded.
  Naturally, necessary to make up for the loss of cars.
  Lenya is sure: a new batch of cars will break through in Sochi.
  Yesterday he learned that a limited batch of cars from the Lada line will be produced (out of a remaining warehouse stock), and these cars should soon go to dealers.
  A limited batch is about one to two thousand pieces.
  This quantity should be quite enough to make up for the loss of cars in Sochi after the next flood. The auto industry is recovering!
  Lenya is especially proud of the fact that some time ago he unexpectedly found out that he became the owner of real estate with a total area of 250 square meters in the Volgian city of automakers.
  Getting acquainted with the situation in Sochi, Lenya simultaneously learns that receipts have arrived - demands for payments in connection with the ownership of real estate. It turns out that the owner of residential and non-residential real estate pays a lot of different contributions. With one click, Lenya is sending the payments related to the ownership of the Volgian real estate to their destination. (Lenya has never visited his dominion, but he saw new beautiful buildings in the new microdistrict on advertising booklets as well as during a short visit to a sales point - when the ship made a stop at the pier of the city of automakers).
  These payments could leave Lenya with a very unpleasant feeling.
  But today the situation has changed.
  Lenya's money - let not all, let only partially - goes to the local budget of the city of automakers, helps to restore and develop the automotive industry. Thus, Lenya is engaged in charitable detail - he helps to compensate for the loss of cars in Sochi.
  When teams of sports beauties will come together in Sochi, - these fairies of indescribable beauty will not notice any lack of cars, - it is clear that the loss of cars will be replenished. Partly thanks to Lenya.
  Beauties will be watched by the audience, will be glorified by journalists and will be rewarded by influential people. Can anyone remain indifferent to the art and to the grace that is periodically demonstrated in Sochi?
  Thanks to Lenya (in part), beauties will delight - in Sochi - with their charm and with their sporting achievements.
  Through the special portal, Lenya orders an extract from the register, confirming his ownership of real estate objects with a total area of 250 square meters in the Volgian city of automakers.
  He publishes a scan of the extract (from the register) on the Internet with the caption: "I am fascinated by the young girls athletes performing in Sochi, and I am ready to financially help - to the best of my ability - the prosperity of Sochi."
  July 24, 2022 05:00
  Translation from Russian into English: July 24, 2022 06:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров помогает восполнить расход автомобилей в Сочи. Рассказ'.
  { 3105. Лёня Бобров помогает восполнить расход автомобилей в Сочи. Рассказ.
  MMMLXXVI. Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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