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Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story.
  The weather was fine and sunny.
  Lenya, - after his conversation with the owner of the oar boat, - focused on the Nordic walking.
  Periodically, he recalls his morning visit to the mall. He noticed a fruit drying apparatus on a shelf in the trading floor. An interesting device!
  Lenya sometimes passes near the market, and different types of dried fruits are sold in the market.
  After completing the Nordic walking session, Lenya goes to the market.
  At the entrance to the market, he sees a car. An advertisement for lottery tickets is placed on the car.
  Lenya comes closer to the car. A man sitting in a car shows Lena a share of the Caspian Oil and Gas Company. Does Lenya want to invest money in the most profitable way?
  Lenya replies that he will think, and enters the territory of the market.
  There are the rows where they sell dried fruits. Lena is heading there.
  On the way to the rows with dried fruits, a man approaches Lena. Does Lenya want to buy red or black caviar? Now Leni has no such plans.
  And here are the rows with dried fruits.
  Here they sell different types of raisins, of dried apricots and of dried plums - as well as of the other fruits of the sunny land.
  Everyone smiles at Lena. Everyone is in a festive mood. Not loud oriental music sounds.
  The prices are acceptable.
  Lenya buys several types of dried grapes, of dried apricots and of dried plums.
  The sellers wish Lenya a good day and while each purchase they make a small advantage (a small overweight) in favor of Lenya.
  Lenya exits the market in a great mood.
  A good day. A wonderful weather. A visit to the market left the best impressions.
  Lenya decides to go through the park.
  He sees the monument to Alexander Pushkin.
  Lenya takes a photo of a green tree with the Sun, which is shining through its foliage.
  The poet Pushkin will suggest a poetic caption for the photo.
  Lenya looks at Pushkin.
  Yes, there is an idea!
  Lenya loudly recites: "Let the golden light of the Sun decorate the blueness of the Sky, and let the Water nourish the Earth and all life on it!"
  Lenya posts a photo of a green tree and the Sun (along with a caption) on the Internet.
  Not in vain he visited the market and bought the gifts of the sunny land!
  After useful Nordic walking, with delicious shopping and with an excellent creative result (thanks to the poet Pushkin!) Lenya is heading home.
  June 29, 2022 12:31
  Translation from Russian into English: June 29, 2022 13:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров делает фотографию солнечного дня. Рассказ".
  { 3074. Лёня Бобров делает фотографию солнечного дня. Рассказ.
  MMMXLV. Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story. }
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