Аннотация: Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Léon Gambetta and Francisco Franco
Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Léon Gambetta and Francisco Franco. The Biographic Review
The problem of power is as old as the world.
Of the well-known political figures, Sulla was probably the first to propose the most beautiful solution to this problem.
Rome was perceived by contemporaries of Sulla and by Sulla himself as the "Eternal City". Therefore, Sulla left his dictatorial powers and retired. Contemporaries of Sulla were surprised and confused. But they had to solve the problem of the future for the Eternal City without Sulla's participation.
Léon Gambetta was a Democrat and a Republican. After the defeat at Sedan, the collective representative body of France was not inclined to radical steps. But Gambetta took the initiative. He showed the initiative activity. These actions are not in conflict with the principles of republicanism and democracy? An acquaintance with the biography of Gambetta may to evoke the image of Joan of Arc ...
Gambetta put a lot of effort to ensuring for France a prosperous future. He walked the road of persistent gradual change. In his work, you can see the policy of national reconciliation.
Is it possible to say that Gambetta beautifully solved the problem of power? Yes. Although the historical splendor of Sulla is hard to surpass.
Francisco Franco was thinking about the future of Spain. He pursued a policy of national reconciliation.
One of the Russian-language books mentions situations during the Spanish Civil War - when both sides were stopping military operations for a lunchtime.
Whether this merit Franco, whether this merit Spain - but Spain escaped the civil war in the East European version, and socialism in the East European version, and post-socialism in version of the Soviet Union - the RSFSR, and the Second World War ...
Yes, a lot of bad things passed by Spain.
And a lot of good came in life of Spain.
Today, by the will of circumstances, many recall Francisco Franco and Spain. "Long live Spain!" "¡Que viva España!"
October 24, 2019 18:21
Translation from Russian into English: October 24, 2019 19:02.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Луций Корнелий Сулла, Леон Гамбетта и Франсиско Франко'.