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Maximilian, Juárez, Morales, Chávez and Maduro. A historical hypothesis

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    Maximilian, Juárez, Morales, Chávez and Maduro. A historical hypothesis.

  Maximilian, Juárez, Morales, Chávez and Maduro. A historical hypothesis.
  Today we can see the results of the Habsburg rule in Europe.
  All modern countries - territories that were previously under an any long-term control of the Habsburgs - are prosperous, economically developed, countries that are safe for life (attractive to emigrants from all over the world).
  Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph von Habsburg (1832-1867) - Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico - reigned in Mexico for a relatively short time (1864 - 1867). He was replaced by Benito Juárez (President of Mexico,1858 - 1867 - 1872). Maximilian was executed (by a firing) by Benito Juárez in 1867 (by decision of the military tribunal) - despite appeals for clemency from around all the world.
  About what would be the results of a long reign of Emperor Maximilian (if such a reign would take place) we can only speculate - to hypothesize.
  Maximilian was a representative of the European monarchs' denasty - the Habsburgs. Most likely, it would be a constitutional monarchy or an enlightened monarchy, a supporting of an economic development and education, the absence of political arbitrariness, the life of citizens under a soft and comfortable political regime.
  Perhaps the international authority and reputation of the Habsburgs would contribute to the rapid development of international relations during the reign of Emperor Maximilian? ...
  '... He [Maximilian] always carried in his pocket a piece of cardboard on which they were written ..." rules of life ".... They were recently printed by Count Corti. The "Rules of Life" was of the twenty-seven points. I will not bore readers with an analysis of this mixture of Habsburg's and Tolstoy's principles, although it is interesting in psychological and domestic relations; I'll give only a few of his rules: 'Do not make any jokes with subordinates ...', 'Never utter obscene words', 'Never talk badly about anyone', 'Listen to everyone, believe only to a very few number of persons', 'Never complain', 'Seek solitude, to [get a conditions to] think ...' '. ('Querétaro and Emperor Maximilian' by Mark Aldanov). [Here and then - an informal translation (mostly - from a Russian-language text).]
  We know about the results of the rule of Benito Juárez. History is a creative science. You can find both bad and good in the results of the rule of any ruler .
  Columns of potential expatriates [emigrants] move across Mexico (and from Mexico) to the United States. Of the European countries that were formerly controlled by the Habsburgs, no particular emigration to Mexico is noticeable.
  Why is there no such emigration?
  South, an ocean, a beaches ... The attractive country ...
  'In his letters to his European friends, he [Maximilian] enthusiastically describes the Mexican mountains with their eternal snows, millennial cypresses with circumference 15 meters, the Orizaba's 'earthly paradise', an incomparable hunting, a picturesque costumes of the Indians, their natural, innate democracy and, the main thing is freedom ... ' '('Querétaro and Emperor Maximilian' by Mark Aldanov).
  Those who have access to the Internet, to a media, are aware of - why there are no of emigration flows from developed European countries to Mexico - despite the fact that Mexico is a beautiful country and wonderful people live in her ...
  Perhaps the powerful energy of Benito Juárez appeared, showed herself into Hugo Chávez.
  Many of the results of the reign of Hugo Chávez were in doubt, already, during his reign. Nevertheless, he gave the impression of an enthusiastic and sincere man ... One way or another, Chávez was replaced by Nicolás Maduro as the head of Venezuela.
  The results of Maduro's managing are disastrous. However, some mysterious energy continues to hold him and his regime in power.
  On November 21, 2019, an article about Venezuela was published on the DW website.
  On November 23, 2019, an article about Bolivia was published on the same site.
  'The Bolivian Transitional Government has blamed the retired President Evo Morales for terrorism and incitement to riots. Bolivian Interior Minister Arturo Murillo has filed a lawsuit against Morales, as well as former ... Minister Juan Ramón Quintana, claiming their alleged crimes related to the mutiny and terrorism, - the Interior Minister said Friday, November 22 [2019]. According to him, Morales is the organizer of the blockade of roads in order to prevent the supply of food to the cities. In the telephone recording, which is at the disposal of the government, the former President do a corresponding instructing the leader of the Coca growers ' Union ..., - Murillo further said.
  The government is asking for a maximum prison term for Morales.'
  About Venezuela, for example, the DW website says that "since 2013, the national economy of Venezuela has more than halved."
  When you read (in translation) the Spanish-language Wikipedia article about Carlos Mesa, the rival of Evo Morales in the 2019 presidential election, you think that Carlos Mesa is a very effective person. A huge list of books, films, journalistic and cultural achievements ...
  Life in Russia and familiarity with the work of a media machine have taught caution in conclusions and evaluations. There are leaders who are strong in a personal potential, and there are leaders who are strong in a political and economic results ...
  When describing the economic and political achievements of Carlos Mesa as president of Bolivia (Mr. Carlos Mesa already held this post from 2003 to 2005), Wikipedia authors describe a number of energetic actions of Carlos Mesa ...
  Mass protests in March 2005 and later ... On June 3, 2005, President Carlos Mesa made his last attempt to overcome the crisis, for which he decided to hold elections to the Constituent Assembly on October 16 and hold a referendum on autonomy. Three days later, he resigned
  Evo Morales is apparently an energetic and sincere person.
  But, if we talk abstractly, - not having in mind anyone specifically, - a sincerity and energy - without a European political culture - are making conditions for a transfer of power from sincere and ardent people to calm and systematic figures. Why waste a raw material pie in vain? ... Why not open the gates for emigration ... Those, who will stay in the country, will get more ...
  In contrast to the situation with the Emperor Maximilian, nobody executed (by a firing) Evo Morles. He moved, humanely, to political asylum.
  From there, according to some evidence, he makes calls ... There was a question about his criminal prosecution...
  Still, European political culture is mostly soft, mostly humane.
  First, there is still the question of whether the case will reach the conviction of Evo Morales in a criminal order.
  Secondly, even if you imagine a guilty verdict, it is unlikely that the words "death penalty" will be present in it ... Already now it is clear that the Bolivian authorities do not raise the question about such a punishment (it may not be prescribed in a law).
  If we keep in mind these realities and these prospects, and close our eyes to the example of Venezuela, then a European political culture shows herself in a good manner.
  Sudden forced mass emigration - it's a completely unattractive prospect...
  'Politics is the art of the possible.' At different times, this word combination can be heard from the leaders of different states ...
  What does a 'possible' mean? This - an ability to from all the "possible options" to choose options - the most best ...
  November 24, 2019 10:24
  Translation from Russian into English: November 24, 2019 20:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Максимилиан, Хуарес, Моралес, Чавес и Мадуро. Историческая гипотеза'.
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