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One image of two space stations on one coin. A numismatic essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    One image of two space stations on one coin. A numismatic essay.

  One image of two space stations on one coin. A numismatic essay.
  I supplement my space-themed miniatures (and others ones) with images placed on coins.
  I offer the corresponding coins as bonuses when selling texts of these miniatures (the texts autographed by the author, or the handwritten ones - from the author).
  Several times I mentioned (in my miniatures) the Salyut 7 space station (and not only this station).
  For example:
  MMСCXXXIII. Artemisia in pocket before repairing the space station. A note about the literary works of participants in space flights and about the book by Viktor Savinykh "Notes from a Dead Station". - June 23 , 2021. [Salyut 7]
  MMСCXL. The Communist Party and the Space Elite. The system of checks and balances - on the example of the Salyut 7 station. An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos. - June 26, 2021.
  I'm looking for an image of the Salyut 7 space station on coins.
  I find a coin of 1 ruble, 1979, "Games of the XXII Olympiad. Obelisk to the conquerors of space" (1 рубль 1979 'Игры XXII Олимпиады. Обелиск покорителям космоса').
  Here is a common description of this coin. I have met this description many times.
  Variant 1 (despite the fact that everyone is familiar with the stylized image of the First artificial satellite of the Earth, and this stylized image of the First satellite is present on the coin as an element of a secondary level): 1 ruble, 1979, "Games of the XXII Olympiad. Obelisk to the conquerors of space "against the background of the First artificial satellite of the Earth".
  Variant 2: "the Soyuz station, an artificial satellite and brilliant stars are depicted."
  Variant 3 (more convincing): 1 ruble, 1979, "Games of the XXII Olympiad. Obelisk to the conquerors of space "against the background of the MIR space station."
  The MIR space station was launched in 1986.
  If the MIR was depicted on the mentioned coin in 1979, then why not assume that the coin depicts a 'new' ("instead" of the ISS) space station.
  In 1979, the Salyut 6 space station was functioning. Salyut 7 was a project, close to implementation, to launch. (The Salyut 7 station was launched into orbit on April 19, 1982). Therefore, the image on the coin can be used to illustrate, for example, the miniature " MMСCXL. The Communist Party and the Space Elite. The system of checks and balances - on the example of the Salyut 7 station. An essay on the history of Soviet cosmos. - June 26, 2021.".
  As for the my miniatures that mention the MIR space station (for example: MDXXI. A comparative history of the MIR space station and the Mirny Antarctic station. Essay on scientific and technical history. - June 26, 2020; MMMLXXXII. Lenya Bobrov offers to jump over onto the robot Fedor. A story. - July 29, 2022), then such miniatures can be illustrated with an image of a coin issued in Kazakhstan (for example, "Coins of Kazakhstan " 500 tenge MIR Space Station 2012" ['Монеты Казахстана "500 тенге Космическая станция "МИР" 2012 года']).
  Probably, the coin of 1 ruble, 1979, "Games of the XXII Olympiad. Obelisk to the conquerors of space" (1 рубль 1979 'Игры XXII Олимпиады. Обелиск покорителям космоса') can - also - be used to illustrate miniatures about the "new station" (which is in the procces of the preparing "instead" of the ISS), the station (in plans) in high orbit....
  February 8, 2023 08:22
  Translation from Russian into English: February 8, 2023 18:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Одно изображение двух космических станций на одной монете. Нумизматический очерк'.
  { 3267. Одно изображение двух космических станций на одной монете. Нумизматический очерк. - 8 февраля 2023 г.
  MMMCCXXXVIII. One image of two space stations on one coin. A numismatic essay. - February 8, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского }
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