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Orbital stations, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn ... A note

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    Orbital stations, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn ... A note.

  Orbital stations, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn ... A note.
  A significant amount of information related to US space exploration is contained in materials published in the New York Times - by Kenneth Chang.
  The publications are devoted to changes in the mechanisms of management of space research and development, their funding, the exploration of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn ...
  Of particular interest are plans for landing on the Moon (as soon as possible), exploration of Mars, the direction of a drone-style quadcopter to Titan, Saturn's largest moon ...
  The number of private companies dealing with the topic of space is increasing.
  For example, 'NASA announced on Thursday that it would distribute $45.5 million to 11 companies to study and begin development of prototypes of pieces of a lander to take astronauts to the moon's surface. The companies include Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX and Blue Origin, the rocket company started by Jeffrey P. Bezos, the chief executive of Amazon." ('The Trump administration announced an ambitious goal in March: It wants to send American astronauts back to the moon in just five years - four years earlier than the previous target of 2028.' Kenneth Chang. May 22, 2019. New York Times.). (https: //
  NASA plays a key role in the US space exploration.
  James Frederick Bridenstine (born June 15, 1975) served as the 13th Administrator of NASA from April 23, 2018 to January 20, 2021.
  '... Bridenstine's brief tenure has been an unexpected success... More important, Bridenstine has led America's most serious push to put astronauts on the moon since the Apollo era. Before Bridenstine's arrival, NASA was in a slow drift either moon-ward or Mars-ward, with no clear goal or target date. The Trump Administration chose the moon as the target and 2024 as the deadline, and Bridenstine ran with that. With a politician's eye for salesmanship, he dubbed the new program Artemis-Apollo's sister-and announced that the program would be landing 'the first woman and next man' on the surface of the moon. The muscle matched the marketing, with Bridenstine pushing the agency to meet the target date, choose private contractors to compete for the job of building the new lunar lander, and help craft the 'Artemis Accords,' a multilateral pact to turn the lunar push into an international effort.
  There is no word yet about who President-elect Biden will tap to replace Bridenstine. Whoever it is would be well-advised to study the success of Bridenstine's 30-month tenure, take lots of notes, and then set about doing plenty of the same things. In a fractious four years during which Administration heads rolled and revolving doors spun, the NASA chief was something of a lode-star for how to get the job done. He will be rightly and roundly missed.. " ('A Fond Farewell to Trump's NASA Administrator.' JEFFREY KLUGER. NOVEMBER 13, 2020. TIME.). (
  'We are in a good position as a country. If you look at the bipartisan, apolitical support that we have from members of Congress on both sides ... there is strong support for Artemis,' Bridenstine said, referring to the agency's post-ISS exploration initiative to expand human presence to the the Moon and eventually to Mars.
  'There is a political agreement that America needs to do big things in space exploration, that we need to lead the world,' Bridenstine said. 'There have been lessons learned from the past and I think Congress is in a good position to make sure that we have sustainable programs going forward. ('NASA Chief Plans To Step Aside Under Biden.' Irene Klotz. November 08, 2020. Aviation Week.). ( aside-under-biden)
  Currently the Acting Administrator of NASA is Steve Jurczyk.
  'Jurczyk also talked about his priorities as acting administrator and upcoming NASA missions.
  This transcript has been edited for length and clarity.
  What are your priorities for the agency?
  My primary focus is going to be on keeping our programs on track, particularly the major programs ... that come to me for review and approval. We have a lot to accomplish this year across all all the mission areas. ... That obviously starts Thursday with safely landing the Perseverance rover on Mars along with the Ingenuity helicopter. That's followed a couple of days later by a Northrop Grumman cargo flight to the station. We're evaluating the Boeing second uncrewed test flight on the Commercial Crew. Right now it's no earlier than March 25. Then we have the Crew-2 mission to station, [which is] the second operational mission for SpaceX on a commercial crew no earlier than April 20. I believe we have six launches this year across the four areas in the science mission director.
  Of course, the most critical to us is the James Webb Space Telescope. That team has done an amazing job keeping integration and test of the observatory moving forward, given the challenges with Covid. They're still on track for the end of October launch. ... My focus is going to be to keep those important missions and those important milestones over the coming months, while continuing to protect the health and safety of our workforce because ... it will be a while before we're on the other side of Covid."
   ("NASA doing 'preparatory work' for climate push, acting chief says. Steve Jurczyk said he will have a better idea of the Biden administration's space priorities at the end of this month." JACQUELINE FELDSCHER. 19.02. 2021. POLITICO.). (
  So, a flight in the administrative and financial cosmospace continues ...
  'President Joe Biden called acting NASA Administrator Steve Jurczyk on Feb. 18, 2021, just after the Perseverance rover touched down on Mars to congratulate the agency's team on the successful landing.' (
  [MCIX. Fyodor Dostoevsky and the USSR space project. A literary note. - November 6, 2019.
  MDXXI. A comparative history of the MIR space station and the Mirny Antarctic station. Essay on scientific and technical history. - June 26, 2020.
  MDXXX. Liquidation of the supervisory-intellectual, space and literary intelligentsia. Common features and differences. The essay. - June 30, 2020.
  MDCXLVII. How an inventor from USA launched the US space program. A sketch about the history of the space race. - August 16, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIX. A Cosmic Throw in the information holding. A story. - December 9, 2020.
  MMXXI. A fundamentally new space technology - a space helicopter. The note. - February 19, 2021.
  MMXXIII. A long-awaited successful breakthrough in nanotechnology. MiMi Aung and the space helicopter 'Ingenuity'. A super brief review. - February 20, 2021.
  MMXXVI. To Mars - for apples. ("Dare Mighty Things"). An essay. - February 22, 2021].
  February 22, 2021 15:14
  Translation from Russian into English: February 22, 2021 21:02.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Орбитальные станции, Солнце, Луна, Марс, Сатурн... Заметка'.
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