Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Outstanding people. Political culture. Sketch

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    Outstanding people. Political culture. Sketch.

  Outstanding people. Political culture. Sketch.
  Outstanding proud people have a glorious history. An attractive future awaits them.
  To support this opinion, there are a number of cultural and ideological trends. For instance.
  A great victory. (Now this is the main direction).
  For a long time we tried to get ahead of them. Now they are trying to get ahead of us.
  The world's first vaccine against coronavirus ... etc.
  Lower-level utilitarian ideas are also applied, for example:
  Global politics, geopolitics, require large economic costs.
  They are not strangers to us, etc.
  These ideological directions are combined with successful attempts to deduce from the field of public attention and analysis:
  Catastrophic defeat in a hypothetical hybrid war of the late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century [anti-Great Victory] (microscopic point references to this topic are used to confirmation, proof the beneficialness of political stability),
  Huge failures in foreign policy, economic, currency, demographic, migration, energy, environmental, cultural spheres ...
  Periodically, a proud outstanding person directs his gaze to the reality that surrounds him, freezes in horror, and again plunges into own pride and reflections on his outstanding qualities ...
  An adequate political culture is required to maintain psychological balance.
  [MDXIII. The Day of Responsibility to History. A Political manifesto. - June 18, 2020.
  MDLXXI. Fear, greed, gullibility, powerless indignation, cautious exposing, revealing of secondary persons ... Essay on the psychology of the modern Russial. - July 18, 2020.
  MDCXVIII. The principle of illusory reality. Sokolov. Yeshchenko. Furgal. A philosophical essay. - August 4, 2020.
  MDCXIX. Seven - one. The explosion in Beirut and the experienced, skilled sea captain, who was deceived seven times, and who one time showed resistance and foresight. The sketch of civilization. - August 6, 2020.]
  October 18, 2020 07:30
  Translation from Russian into English: October 18, 2020 07:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Выдающиеся люди. Политическая культура. Очерк".
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