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Pavel Petrovich, tourist bonuses and his three-room apartment. A humorous story

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    Pavel Petrovich, tourist bonuses and his three-room apartment. A humorous story.

  Pavel Petrovich, tourist bonuses and his three-room apartment. A humorous story.
  Pavel Petrovich is pleased with his life. He feels gratitude to the 1936 Constitution of the USSR. She secured the right of citizens to pensions. And the modern authorities pay pensions accurately and, in addition, have established many benefits for pensioners.
  Pavel Petrovich received a higher technical education at one time, and by 1991 he had a three-room apartment, a summer house, and a car, as well as two beautiful daughters.
  The daughters got married. Pavel Petrovich gave the car to the eldest daughter's husband, and the dacha [the country house] - to the youngest daughter (for a general family use).
  For a good mood, Pavel Petrovich made a phone call his eldest grandson. He is a student. He receives higher education. He is studying on a commercial basis - the parents took out an educational loan. It is not clear where he will work - but Pavel Petrovich will help during start period ...
  The grandson did not answer for a long time. Finally, the exchange of greetings took place. Pavel Petrovich assumed that his grandson was sitting in a restaurant with a girl. It's a young case, you need to arrange your personal life, to start a family. One generation succeeds another, Pavel Petrovich has a three-room apartment ... Today he invited a girl to a restaurant, tomorrow he will go for a walk with her to the park, to admire butterflies, and the day after tomorrow he will go to Pavel Petrovich's dacha - they will swing on a swing, will eat fruit, and in a week they will attend a free concert on the square and look at the fireworks ...
  Pavel Petrovich dialed the phone of his eldest daughter. She answered the phone immediately. Everything is good. The husband bought a car of a new brand on credit, and sold the old one (the gift from Pavel Petrovich). Loan payments are made regularly.
  There was no desire to call the younger daughter. Due to the crisis and due to the coronavirus, both she and her husband lost their jobs. But there are accumulated family reserves. Again, Pavel Petrovich does not refuse help. Little later the situation will recover, and everything will be fine.
  The younger daughter herself made a call Pavel Petrovich. An excellent enterprise is started by a smart people! Those who go on a tourist trip - a bonuses are paid - a kind of cash back (money back). The youngest daughter, in order to get more money back, intends to convince her older sister (the eldest daughter of Pavel Petrovich) to collectively go on a tourist trip - to have a good rest.
  Pavel Petrovich started to worry a little. But, if you think sensibly, it's a good thing - a refund! As much as twenty percent!
  Two weeks later, after a tourist trip, the daughters invited Pavel Petrovich to a family dinner. Pavel Petrovich liked such events. The whole family gathers. Daughters, sons-in-law, grandsons, granddaughters ... Pleasant conversations. Everyone needs Pavel Petrovich's care...
  However, the meeting took an unexpected turn. The collective tourists slightly did not calculate their expenses for entertainment, for transportation, for accommodation, for food.
  Everything is very well organized. If parents are coming out the hotel with their children, and other people's children eat boiled corn nearby, then you will not look like a loser, and you will buy boiled corn for your children.
  If a family you know rents a good motor boat for a ride, you can not say that you do not have enough money. You also will rent a good motor boat and you will tell everyone about your nice journey ...
  A boiled corn, a rentals of a good motor boats for a water walks ... The economy is developing!
  In general, collective tourists went a little beyond the boundaries of family budgets ...
  The time is come for payments on both an educational loan, a car loan, and other loans!
  Some time later, an ad appeared on the Internet, posted according the instructions of Pavel Petrovich and his daughters. "For sale a three-room apartment with good repair in the city center in a quiet green yard".
  Of course, the crisis... The coronavirus ... Apartment prices fell. Prices are low, but you need to sell quickly. But Pavel Petrovich has a pension, which is accurately paid, and (for now) has a dacha.
  Pavel Petrovich got (instead of a three-room) a two-room apartment on the outskirts of the city on a street with heavy traffic. Now, if any case arises, he needs a long riding on public transport.
  But Pavel Petrovich is not upset - he has a lot of benefits (established by the authorities). He has free travel [He has a right to use public transport without a payment] ... A great care is shown about pensioners ... About defrauded participants in shared-equity construction, about tourists ... In general, about everyone ...
  July 24, 2020 07:56
  Translation from Russian into English: July 25, 2020 00:23.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Павел Петрович, туристические бонусы и его трехкомнатная квартира. Юмористический рассказ'.
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