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Preliminary neutralizing versions in connection with the Kamchatka-Avacha situation (October 4-5, 2020)

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    Preliminary neutralizing versions in connection with the Kamchatka-Avacha situation (October 4-5, 2020).

  Preliminary neutralizing versions in connection with the Kamchatka-Avacha situation (October 4-5, 2020).
  Periodically turning on the radio on the night of October 4th to 5th, 2020, I drew attention to the appearance of some neutralizing versions:
  1. There is no disaster at all. Some analyzes showed no contamination. Follow-up measures depend on whether subsequent analyzes show contamination. - That is, a mental projection of such a logical line is created, in which there was no pollution at all. It logically turns out that no action is required.
  2. Sea animals were washed ashore by the force of the waves. In this variant, the mass discharge of animal bodies ashore is explained by the storm and the strength of the ocean waves. Don't ocean storms throw marine animals ashore? In case of none pollution?
  3. The situation in the Avacha Bay is the result of tectonic processes. Here people interested in the situation should to speculate, to reflect. As a result of tectonic processes, some toxic gas from the depths of the earth got into the water?
  Perhaps, another intelligent module is also associated with the third version: the poisoning occurred in the deep layers, at the bottom of the ocean. And the waves threw the dead sea animals ashore.
  What difference does it make where, at what depth did the poisoning occur? And how can you establish at what depth the poisoning occurred? Eye diseases in surfers and in participants of the survey of the coast of the bay - are these painful phenomena the result of poisoning at the bottom of the ocean? But this intelligent module can be used in the version about the tectonic causes of the poisoning. A harmful gas came out - according this version - from the depths of the earth, he produced a poisoning, and then the ocean waves threw the bodies of sea animals onto the shore ...
  [4. Perhaps the ships of one of the neighboring totalitarian states are to blame.
  5. Poisonous microorganisms are to blame.]
  In general, budgetary and near-budgetary intellectual forces continue to generate neutralizing versions and observe which of these versions seems the most correct to the public. The chosen neutralizing version will be promoted by all official forces.
  For a better understanding of the current situation, we will conduct a mental assembly-disassembly, analysis of the Norilsk ecological disaster in 2020.
  At first, information from Norilsk and its environs was actively received through social networks. From the sea coast - from the coast of the Kara Sea, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean - we did not notice any voluminous and coherent information.
  Thus, the potential for informing the public through channels of simple people in this region reaches its maximum values in Norilsk and its environs. On the shores of the Kara Sea, this information potential is minimal.
  Now let's try to simulate the opposite situation: the potential of informing through public channels on the shores of the Kara Sea reaches its maximum values, but, on the contrary, it tends to zero in Norilsk and in its environs.
  We continue our mental experiment. An ecological disaster is taking place in Norilsk. The consequences come to the shores of the Arctic Ocean, to the shores of the Kara Sea. From the shores of the Kara Sea, there are some warning signals - they are arriving through public channels.
  The local authorities come and take samples. Neutralizing versions appear. For example, there is no pollution; a pollution exist, but this is the result of tectonic processes, etc. Time goes by ... In Norilsk, from where - with this version of reasoning - no information leaks out (but where did the main events take place), do they not notice anything? are not taking any measures?
  After some time, it is more and more difficult to establish a connection between the signals from the Kara Sea coast and the events in Norilsk ... And in general, in this situation, the events in Norilsk may not fall into the area of public attention.
  There are signals from the coast of the Kara Sea, but what are the reasons for the events on the coast? The public's thought is rushing over the vast territory, goes through many options ... Why should the public's thought stop at Norilsk - from where - no signals?
  This hypothetical example suggests how a worldview picture of reality can be created from a local a media constructor set... Elements from the allowed kit are ought to be taken. From them an image of the world is composing ...
  Thus, the promotion of neutralizing versions, designed to "illuminate" the Kamchatka-Avacha situation, continues. About any effective investigation, which made it possible to quickly find the culprits and grab (catch) their hand, nothing has been heard ...
  The next stage is the choice of the official version of events and its promotion. It is advisable to finally decide on the official speaker ... You can do without him. But the official speaker coordinates the choral actions of budgetary and near-budgetary media ...
  October 5, 2020 08:00
  Translation from Russian into English: October 5, 2020 08:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Предварительные нейтрализующие версии в связи с Камчатско-Авачинской ситуацией (4-5 октября 2020 года)'.

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