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Principles of coding and decoding of messages from a higher civilization. ("Dare Mighty Things"). The note

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    Principles of coding and decoding of messages from a higher civilization. ("Dare Mighty Things"). The note.

  Principles of coding and decoding of messages from a higher civilization. ("Dare Mighty Things"). The note.
  As you know, all civilizations make up messages. And it is a special art to decipher these messages.
  For example, a best minds of ancient Rome tried to decipher the principles of building ships by the shipbuilders of Carthage.
  During the Second World War there was a war between cryptographers and decrypters. The plot with Enigma was especially interesting.
  But the civilizations of South America also left a huge amount of information ought to be deciphered.
  After reading the material about mysterious inscriptions in Paginasiete (, we became interested. There is a lot of mysterious information in South America.
  So, we learned about the mysterious inscription on the parachute, which was used to descend the rover to the surface of Mars.
  The story seemed interesting to us, and we made a short historical decryption.
  National Geographic published an article on February 18, 2021, where he mentioned a parachute. There, naturally, no mysterious inscriptions were mentioned.
  'ADuring the end of its cruise phase, Perseverance was zooming toward Mars at a blazing 12,100 miles an hour ... ... a parachute slowed it to about 200 miles an hour.
  (...) After separating from the parachute, the sky crane's retrorockets slowed the rover's descent to roughly 17 miles an hour. About 70 feet above the ground, it then gingerly lowered Perseverance to the ground using three nylon cables. (...)
   If everything went to plan, six cameras should have caught the complex EDL acrobatics, three staring at the unfurling parachute and the rest watching the rover and the sky crane. (...) "(
  So, February 18, 2021 - no messages about the inscription on the parachute.
  On February 22, 2021, we published a miniature: [MMXXVI.] To Mars - for apples. ("Dare Mighty Things"). An essay.
  On February 23, 2021, the story developed:
  'Internet sleuths claim to have decoded a hidden message displayed on the parachute that helped Nasa's Perseverance Rover land safely on Mars last week. They claim that the phrase 'Dare mighty things' - used as a motto by Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory - was encoded on the parachute using a pattern representing letters as binary computer code." (
  However, any plot is interesting for its development ...
  Who are they - the internet detectives (the Internet sleuths)? This is something vague ... Specificity and details are desirable ...
  On February 24, 2021, specificity and details appear in the plot:
  'Across the Atlantic Ocean, Maxence Abela, a 23-year-old computer science student in Paris, realized what Mr. Chen was saying: The seemingly random pattern on Perseverance's parachute contained a code.
  He called his father, Jerome, a software engineer at Google working in London, and the two set to solving it.
  'We like those kinds of little challenges,' Mr. Abela said. 'We didn't think we would be able to solve it, but we would at least try.'
  Collaborating via teleconference, they downloaded the video, isolated images showing the fully inflated parachute and started piecing together the bits.
  So did others around the world, trading insights on Twitter and forums on Reddit. 'It's just exciting that NASA is putting these little puzzles in their missions,' said Adithya Balaji, a graduate student in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh who independently tackled the problem." (
  At last, on February 24, 2021, a "random pattern" that "contains a code", a "puzzle" appear.
  Time is came. Enigma starts to work (February 24, 2021):
  "Mars Perseverance's parachute carried secret NASA message
  Only about six people at the space agency knew about the encoded message before the rover's landing on Mars. A puzzle lover on the team was behind the idea.
   This illustration provided by NASA shows a diagram added over the parachute deployed during the descent of the Mars Perseverance rover
  The enormous orange and white parachute deployed by NASA's Perseverance rover to land on Mars contained a secret message, thanks to a puzzle lover on the spacecraft team.
  Systems engineer Ian Clark used a binary code to spell out "dare mighty things'' - a line from former US President Theodore Roosevelt - in the orange and white strips of the 70-foot (21-meter) parachute."
  Surely the budgetary allocations of the Federal Republic of Germany were used to better understand the principles of Enigma ...
  The Miniature [MMXXVI.] To Mars - for apples. ("Dare Mighty Things"). An essay. (February 22, 2021) acts as a decryption key.
  And European readers get the most fresh information through the budget-funded media.
  And gradually, through the Internet detectives, the secrets of higher civilizations are revealed.
  We are waiting for new stories of Internet detectives. Read more carefully, more attentively our miniatures ...
  [MCMXXVII. Inflated rubber literary giants with a state budget pumpation. A sketch of the modern cultural sphere. - December 30, 2020.].
  February 25, 2021 20:17
  Translation from Russian into English: February 25, 2021 21:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Принципы кодирования и раскодирования сообщений высшей цивилизации. ('Не бойся могучих вещей'). Заметка'.
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