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Residents of the Novgorod Republic, who were able to read and write, and Prince Boryatinsky, who "stood" in Kiev. A short review of the radio program

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    MMMDCXXXVII. Residents of the Novgorod Republic, who were able to read and write, and Prince Boryatinsky, who "stood" in Kiev. A short review of the radio program. - March 24, 2025.

  Residents of the Novgorod Republic, who were able to read and write, and Prince Boryatinsky, who "stood" in Kiev. A short review of the radio program.
  With interest and surprise, I heard a radio program dedicated to Prince Boryatinsky, who acted in the military field after the accession of the Romanovs, but before Peter the Great came to power.
  Prince Boryatinsky led troops against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, against the Ukrainian Cossacks, against the Cossacks of Stepan Razin (Southern Russia, lower Volga).
  The information, itself, is interesting. Baryatinsky opposed the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the inhabitants of this state were called "Lithuanians" in this radio program - in the tradition of Karamzin) with moderate success.
  Notable successes were during his struggle against the Ukrainian Cossacks.
  And after the war with Stepan Razin, he was called the "savior" of the state - of the Moscow Kingdom.
  If we leave aside the usual human interest, then we are left wondering: why all these verbal maneuvers?
  It feels like stories about the inhabitants of the Novgorod Republic who could read and write. Now, in our time, archaeologists are finding Novgorod birch bark letters, and everyone is intensely touched: these are the cultured, literate inhabitants of ancient Rus', of ancient Russia!
  And where did these residents go? What happened to them? Why was Russia a predominantly illiterate country by 1917? (Nadezhda Krupskaya and her colleagues had to carry out a campaign to combat mass illiteracy).
  Moreover, the inhabitants of the Novgorod Republic owned the Baltic shores, the very shores that had to be returned after twenty years of the Great Northern War (not counting other wars).
  Novgorod birch bark letters are admired, but the thought does not go further - there is no continuation about the fate of Novgorodians who were able to write and read, - otherwise a strange historical picture will turn out.
  Similarly, Boryatinsky's individual story is an interesting story, - but what are the results? Shall we clap our hands to Ermak, and applaud to Boryatinsky?
  The development of Siberia (originally mastered by free people) was difficult for the tsarist government. The Muscovite Tsardom and the Russian Empire did not have enough forces either for Alaska or for Manchuria.
  And (imperial) Admiral Kolchak ("Ruler of Russia"), with all his power (strength) and enormous external support, despite the vast Siberian territory, ended his life and his military activities not very successfully (unfortunately).
  Thus, we have every historical reason to bow to Prince Boryatinsky, who fought against the Ukrainian Cossacks and defeated Stepan Razin's Cossacks, to bow, to bow, and to repeat: "Thank you! Thanks! Thank you!"
  About six months ago, suddenly, the media machine began to produce media materials called "Russian dynasties". (Why is there such a rush of creative activity?).
  Why not turn the story of Prince Boryatinsky into a laudatory story about the glorious Russian dynasty?
  There are reasons for this. And if anyone will be interested in Prince Boryatinsky and his descendants, they will understand: why we did not hear the story in the "Russian Dynasty" format.
  Then why all this porridge was brewed?
  Boryatinsky, as far as I understood from the radio broadcast, "stood" in Kiev at one time during the armed struggle against the Ukrainian Cossacks. Finding himself in an unfavorable situation, he refused to surrender Kiev to his armed opponents.
  Apparently, this distant historical fact inspired the authors of the radio program so much that they decided to tell us, the inhabitants of modern Russia, about Prince Boryatinsky and his activities.
  There are two authors of the radio program (as I understand it). The first is a kind of "duty officer" for various kinds of "scientific" radio broadcasts.
  The second is a scientific (historical) specialist with a surname that I had previously heard, something from the sphere of the Ideological Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU?
  If I am not mistaken, then we have a chance to hear another historical program: about the glorious party (CPSU) ideologs, about the glorious party dynasty.
  The huge successes in the late 80s and early 90s (of the last century) will undoubtedly be followed by new successes, through (with the help of) the historical "spells" of the spirit of Prince Boryatinsky, who "stood" (in epic times) in Kiev.
  March 24, 2025 02:03
  Translation from Russian into English: March 24, 2025 04:01
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Жители Новгородской республики, умеющие читать и писать, и князь Борятинский, "стоявший" в Киеве. Краткая рецензия на радиопередачу. ".
  { 3666. Жители Новгородской республики, умеющие читать и писать, и князь Борятинский, "стоявший" в Киеве. Краткая рецензия на радиопередачу. - 23 марта 2025 года.
  MMMDCXXXVII. Residents of the Novgorod Republic, who were able to read and write, and Prince Boryatinsky, who "stood" in Kiev. A short review of the radio program. - March 24, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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