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Rostov Tyrannicides. A touristic essay

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    MMMCCCVI. Rostov Tyrannicides. A touristic essay. - June 23, 2023.

  Rostov Tyrannicides. A touristic essay.
  In the miniature "MMMCCLX. An urban "local" tourism with the history off textbook's borders. A story for children about Seryozha. - April 14, 2023" the author of the miniature mentioned such a landmark of Rostov-on-Don as the streets that got their names back in the time of Catherine II.
  Another object of "local tourism" in the city of Rostov-on-Don, - a monument to the Strike [stoppage, walkout] of 1902, - also deserves mention.
  On this monument (not far from it) was placed - and maybe this inscription still exists, but - she is not noticeable to everyone - a quote from Vladimir Lenin about this strike: 'For the first time, the proletariat, as a class, opposesall other classes and the tsarist government".
  In Soviet times people were overfed with Lenin's and other quotes. The irony in relation to this quote was of such level, that part of irony was transferred to the monument itself.
  Pepper was added by the fact that huge masses of Rostovites every day drove past this quote to and from their workplaces (routes: Zapadny [Western], sleeping, district - Center and other areas of the city of Rostov-on-Don). So every day the Rostovites - whether they wanted it or not - directed their eyes on this quote, written in large, noticeable letters.
  One of the widely held opinions characterized this monument as an image of two drunken people, one of whom has lost the ability to move, and the second is trying to stop a taxi.
  In addition, a kind of 'Muravyov effect' was and is still operating - due to the lack of awareness among the population, 'Muravyov-hangman' was widely known, and Muravyov-Amursky was almost lost in the vast Russial history and he is relatively rarely remembered and mentioned.
  Meanwhile, the monument to the Strike of 1902 is, in our opinion, not an illustration of the Lenin's quote, but a continuation of the traditions of Ancient Greek art, the development of a classical ideal.
  Alexander Deineka widely used ancient Greek (classical) samples in his work. In particular, he used (as a creative basis) the sculptural images of the "tyrannicides" Harmodius and Aristogeiton (Tyrannicides. Sculptors Kritios and Nesiotes 477-476 BC (Roman copy of the 2nd century), National Archaeological Museum of Naples).
  A look at this classic example (sculptors Kritios and Nesiotes) redirects attention not only to Ivan Korzhev ('Tyrannicides 21') and Vera Mukhina ('Worker and Collective Farm Girl'), but also to Anatoly Andreyevich Sknarin (Monument to the 1902 strike - sculptural composition ' The continuity of generations").
  "In 1975, a composition consisting of sculptures of two workers was installed on the top of the hill above the high relief ... The authors of the monument were the sculptor A. Sknarin and the architect P. Ibalakov."
  Interpretation by Anatoly Sknarin of the ancient Greek classical ideal (that is, the inspection of the Monument to the Strike of 1902) tourists can combine with the viewing the monument to the First Secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU Ivan Bondarenko.
  "In June 2011, a monument to the honorary citizen of the city Ivan Bondarenko was opened on the central alley of the October Revolution Park ... Sculptor Anatoly Sknarin (the honored artist of Russia), when working on the image of the legendary [former] first secretary of the Rostov Regional Committee of the CPSU, used, among other things, one of his last lifetime photographs [of Ivan Bondarenko] made by Rostov journalist Maria Kim.
  According to the mayor of the city, Mikhail Anatolyevich Chernyshov, the author guessed the character of Ivan Afanasyevich: attractive, strong and kind. Many of us learned from Bondarenko [that is, they were "his students"]...
  This monument will be the beginning of the foundation of the alley of memory of famous people of the city, those who have been awarded the title of honorary citizen."
  Alexander Vlasov came to power in the Rostov Oblast (later - he was the 11th Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. - Head of the Social and Economic Department of the CPSU Central Committee in June 1990 - August 1991) - he came to power after Ivan Bondarenko.
  Both Ivan Bondarenko and Alexander Vlasov during their term of office did not give an adequate assessment, did not mark such historical event as the battle to defend the city of Rostov-on-Don, the battle which took place on November 20, 1941 in the area of today's Komsomolskaya Square. The actions of the participants in this battle - the defenders of Rostov - were not adequately assessed. [MMDCCCXLVIII. Vladimir Vasilievich writes a letter to the patriot of the Soviet Motherland, comrade Vlasov A.V. An archival essay. - March 27, 2022]
  And what is so historical - the battle for Rostov-on-Don (the key to the Caucasus) in November 1941 - even before the start of the battle for Moscow? The defense of Rostov against the advancing elite troops of the enemy, including tank ones? Not only the entire region of the Caucasus was under threat, but also the Southern transport corridor "USSR - Allies", through Iran, - "Volga - Caspian Sea - Caucasus - Persian Gulf". Even the Fuhrer flew up by plane (to Taganrog) - he felt uneasy due to unfavorable (for him) events ...
  Maybe there will be a sculptor who will erect monuments to Alexander Vlasov, and to the Botanical Garden of Rostov-on-Don (before time, when it was almost halved - already under the "new" rulers)?
  Maybe there will be a sculptor who will erect monuments to Alexander Vlasov, and to the Botanical Garden of Rostov-on-Don (to "the old Botanical Garden" - before its significant reduction - already under the "new" rulers)?
  ("By 1940 ... the total area was 269.5 hectares ..."
  Option one: "Its area [now] exceeds 200 hectares"
  Option two: "It covers an area of 160.5 hectares..."
  Option three: "currently covers an area of 160.54 hectares..."
  Option four: ...
  [For reference: 269.5 -160.5 = 109. 109 divided by 269.5 = 0.4].)
  It is possible that such monuments (to Alexander Vlasov and the Botanical Garden) were created, but we simply do not know about it.
  June 23, 2023 00:36
  Translation from Russian into English: June 23, 2023 20:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Ростовские тираноборцы. Туристический очерк. '.
  { 3335. Ростовские тираноборцы. Туристический очерк. - 23 июня 2023 г.
  MMMCCCVI. Rostov Tyrannicides. A touristic essay. - June 23, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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