Аннотация: MMMDCXXXVIII. Sanka Gorokhov, a worker at the factory of the merchant- millionaire Savva Kholodov. A story. - March 26, 2025.
Sanka Gorokhov, a worker at the factory of the merchant- millionaire Savva Kholodov. A story.
Today is a day off, a holiday.
Noon, it's time for a dinner.
Sanka ate borscht, which smelled of meat. He carefully wielded a wooden spoon so as not to get a remark from his father. [Alexander - Sasha - Sanka]
Sanka's father, Paphnutiy Afanasievich, enjoys great respect as in his family and so among the workers of the textile factory. Paphnutiy Afanasievich personally knows the owner of the factory, Savva Dormidontovich, and even he is a relative (of the owner) - according some distant, difficult-to-explain, line.
Once upon a time, in ancient times, the ancestors of Paphnutiy and the ancestors of Savva together managed to jump out of a burning hut, where many people were locked up, and managed to survive in the cold winter forest. Then, they endlessly survived, leading a strict lifestyle and relying on mercy from Above.
Times have softened. Someone from their community learned during a visit to the fair that chintz is in great demand, and that it is possible to organize a factory for the production of chintz.
Members of the community went around, looked for work, worked as farmhands, earned and saved kopecks.
The strictest and most correct person in the community was Semyon, who is also Dormidont's father, he is also the grandfather of the current owner of the factory, Savva. He was chosen by the members of the community to be the main one. He conducted business, received and paid money. The rest of the community worked and produced chintz. For many years, they all lived nearby, gathered every day for soul-saving conversations, and worked - they worked almost for free.
Everyone understood that the kind, decent, strict, honest, respectable Semyon would be their breadwinner, father, and patron.
For many years they had to suffer, starve, and work almost for free. But suddenly the business was on its feet, the money started to flow like a river. Now the factory is working successfully, the factory is known both here and abroad.
Back in Semyon's time, papers were drawn up in the provincial center: Semyon became a merchant of the second guild, the factory began to work officially, Semyon began to be called the "owner" ('host').
Every factory worker now receives a salary. Every worker now has a piece of bread, a plate of millet porridge, and half a radish every day. Borscht is prepared for the holidays, which smells of meat.
Sanka put on an almost new shirt and came out the little house.
He heads to a courses for working-class youth, which was organized by young people from the 'middle and high classes'. They say they are students. But Sanka has heard that they are "social-democrats," although he does not understand what this word means.
Today, the young lords will analyze the work by Friedrich Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State." Sanka listens to the young lords with pleasure. That is, he's not even listening, but he's watching. The young lords wear neat clothes, their hands and nails are smooth. Sanka wants to become a teacher more and more. It would be very nice to wear neat clothes and to talk about different books!
The lesson ended. Sanka, still, did not understand how he can do this so that more private property will origin at him, that he would have more private property. He can't understand anything about this - from the courses (organized by young lords).
But Sanka has a good attitude. He was looking at the young lords and was strengthened in his desire to become a teacher.
After classes at the working youth courses, Sanka goes to the Workers' Club. The workers' club system was organized by a kind man named Zubatov. They teach workers how to form trade unions here. A mutual assistance cashier has been set up here, where workers can borrow fifty kopecks in a difficult moment.
The people who lead here, they are not students, but they are bosses, although they are bosses not of high level.
Sanka drank free kvass and ate a bagel (today in the Workers' Club there is a table with free kvass, free tea and with free bagels).
Sanka went out onto the porch. Two bosses from the leadership of the Workers' Club are standing in the distance. It looks like they had a beer today, in honor of the weekend.
Sanka hears the conversation:
- 'Savva is trying to have relations with an actress from the capital!'
- 'He has millions! What is an actress? - For him..."
- "Well, don't judge him by yourself. He's building a whole theater for her in the capital. He helps the social-democrats with money.'
- 'Everyone helps them... Have you heard how many people were shot on Sunday, January 9th? Now everyone is sympathetic ...'
- 'He gave the actress a whole fortune - to do useful causes! He took out an insurance policy - he insured himself just in case - and he gave the insurance policy to the actress.'
- 'I don't want him to shoot himself somewhere abroad...'
Sanka understands that the bosses from the Workers' Club are lying about Savva. Savva thinks about the business, about the factory, and about his workers - about the workers as if they were his children.
Sanka hurries back home. The owner will come soon - in evening. His wonderful horse-drawn carriage will stop in the square, the owner will come out, talk to the workers, give a gold coin to those who will be next to him, will fulfill the requests of the workers.
Sanka's father, Paphnutiy Afanasievich, will ask the owner, his distant relative, to help to arrange Sanka to study to be a teacher. Where do they teach teachers? How do Sanka get there? How much should Sanka and his family to pay for Sanka's studies? And Sanka (as well as his family) need financial help to study for several years without receiving a salary at the factory.
Sanka approaches the square.
There is a crowd of workers around the owner. The owner talks to everyone, listens to requests, and gives each (those who stand nearby) a gold coin.
Sanka sees Paphnutiy Afanasievich pushing his way through the crowd of workers to the owner. Now the father will ask the owner to help (for) Sanka to study to be a teacher!
The father bows to Savva Dormidontovich... At this time, Efrem's widow loudly thanks the owner for his help in repairing her little house. Savva gives the widow a gold coin. The widow loudly thanks and bows to the owner.
Paphnutiy Afanasievich bows again, prepares to ask the host for help.
At this time, Silanty loudly begs the owner to help in the treatment of his daughter-in-law and thanks him for taking care of the workers. Silanty receives both a gold coin and a promise to help with the daughter-in-law's treatment.
The whole crowd thanks the owner.
How can Paphnutiy Afanasievich explain what he needs? What kind of study? What teacher? What will he ask for? How should he state his request? Frol jumps up to the owner with a request to help buy a cow for the family. Small children need a milk! Frol receives both a gold coin and a promise to help with the purchase of a cow.
Caught up in the energy of the crowd, Paphnutiy Afanasievich loudly thanks the owner for his benefactions and for taking care of the workers. It is clear that the owner remembers Paphnutiy Afanasievich, singles him out. The owner asks the question: "How is Afanasy Mikhailovich's health?" Then he says: "This is for you, Paphnutiy! This is for Afanasy Mikhailovich!" And he gives (to) Paphnutiy Afanasievich not one, but two gold coins.
The owner has a lot to do. He gets into his beautiful horse-drawn carriage and drives away. But in a week he will come back and talk to his workers on the square. The breadwinner! The father! The patron!
Sanka is walking home. He need to get a good night's sleep before tomorrow's workday. The factory needs efficiency, accuracy, conscientiousness!
During the next arrival of the owner, Paphnutiy Afanasievich will ask Savva Dormidontovich to help (for) Sanka to study to be a teacher. Savva Dormidontovich has a good memory - he remembers how several people escaped from a burning hut (locked from the outside), ran away to the winter forest, how they were surviving, how they were working for long years, almost for free...
March 26, 2025 11:32 (11:32 a.m.)
Translation from Russian into English: March 26, 2025 22:19
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Санька Горохов, рабочий на фабрике купца-миллионера Саввы Холодова. Рассказ. '.
{ 3667. Санька Горохов, рабочий на фабрике купца-миллионера Саввы Холодова. Рассказ. - 26 марта 2025 г.
MMMDCXXXVIII. Sanka Gorokhov, a worker at the factory of the merchant- millionaire Savva Kholodov. A story. - March 26, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}