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Sanya Lokhushenko becomes a successful film producer. A story (continued)

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    Sanya Lokhushenko becomes a successful film producer. A story (continued).

  Sanya Lokhushenko becomes a successful film producer. A story (continued).
  Sanya walks around the city of Minsk and sees: some men are playing checkers on a bench in the park.
  Sanya looks at the checkers: they are made of bread.
  Sanya understands: it is the intelligentsia who are playing. They have recently come out from behind bars.
  Sanya does not dispute: intellectuals are smart, knowledgeable people. But the real skill of a real modern politician (as Sanya understands this skill) is not in understanding of the potential of the intelligentsia. Everyone understands this.
  The skill of a real politician is an ability to use this potential to the maximum extent discreetly and without payment.
  Sanya pretends that he was interested in a tree standing not far from the checkers players.
  Sanya walks up to the tree, examines the bark and listens.
  - The film (from Belarus) that was nominated for Uscarios was disqualified!
  - And the film from Russia was disqualified?
  - You know who the director Mr. Candy-Sweetsky took in order to recieve support! The second producer has to do with a really big money! The film from Russia is not disqualified. They dealed only with a Belarusian film. Made a quasi-double out of it. Have shown a vigilance!
  Sanya received a huge amount of exclusive useful information in seconds - and he did it in completely unnotice way, without any payment.
  Sanya immediately goes to the café "Blini" [pancakes], where his friend - the waitress Mrs. Deather - works. (She was among the dudes and chicks who once in the evening in the parking lot drank Massandra right from the bottle and who treated Sanya with Crimean). She serves some visitors of café - but not all, but a select few - with such blini that such select people fall under the table after the meal.
  Sanya - with money. He quickly negotiates with Mrs. Deather about a filming of a video content and about orders the scenery.
  Sanya doesn't like difficulties. Everything should be simple and effective.
  According to the plot that Sanya came up with, he sits at a modest table and tells all sorts of pleasant things to the public.
  Of course, not a word about the origin of the means in the pocket. Who cares that Sanya borrows all the money and is not going to give it back? Yes, if even he is going to, then he has no opportunity to give them back.
  Sanya will talk about his dacha, about how he picks potatoes in the vegetable garden ...
  And what if one of the spectators recognizes the Mrs. Deather? Someone fell under the table, but survived? Or in connection with other matters? ...
  Public need to shift attention. Put a cute dog on the table during the so-called dinner. Preferably white and fluffy one. Remember: "We are white and fluffy!"? White and fluffy - they are with Sanya! Spectators, understand a hint! (Sanya becomes an experienced politician). At the same time, a story about a Big Friend, about a Big Friendship!
  But these are all little things. The main thing is to receive a some person from Russia, with big money! Such man will use many confidential algorithms and will launch the video product across all possible media channels.
  Sanya needs a political PR.
  Until then, the scenery is an important matter. It's necessary to portray a rustic oven. Spectators turn their gaze from the white and fluffy dog to the blini, and from the blini to the rustic oven. Then they listen to Sanya's stories as he collects potatoes in the village.
  Such a way - thanks to the media product - Sanya can infiltrate himself the very top of the political pyramid.
  Mrs. Deather has her own video blog. She attracts useful clients.
  She remembered an activistess from Russia. They communicated through the internet. Activistess invited Mrs. Deather to fly to New York (at state expense) by Bombardier. You fly, take photos of yourself. Then - a park in New York. A special bench with a sign. You take pictures. Then you post the photos in the video chat and enjoy the reaction of the losers ... The losers are jealous... The losers are putting the likes ... Nobody blocks such people. They are welcome in New York.
  Thus, the activistess from Russia is close to the media business. She has a powerful support. A big money, a great connections, a great opportunities.
  It all adds up!
  Here it is, the realistic vision of a real film producer.
  Sanya summarized his creative ideas.
  The activistess from Russia interviews Sanya. 'We are white and fluffy' walks around (on) the table during the interview. The supper is modest. (Sanya is a very modest person!) Mrs. Deather brings blini. Almost no one (from spectators) looks at Mrs. Deather.
  "We are white and fluffy" - blini (a modest table) - a village oven - Sanya's stories as he picks potatoes in the village.
  The Russial influanted man - the patron of the Russial activistess-interviewer uses the all his possibilities, pushes the video material on all channels.
  Sanya after such a video project can run for any position!
  Producer Mr. Candy-Sweetsky remains far behind Sanya. "Dear losers!"
  All that is needed is a $ 1,000 consultation and a piece of free information from unsettled Belarusian intellectuals.
  This dude who played checkers - he looks like some kind of figure. He is similar to Mr. Fridalsky, or somebody else ... Well, let him be Fridalsky ... It's useful to arrange him as a delegate to the Assembly of High-End Dudes and Chicks. Let him spin under Sanya's feet, let him put forward ideas ... This is useful. "I will promise him to pay regularly for visits to the bathhouse ...". Inexpensive, and the IQ is high ...
  While Mrs. Deather contacts the activistess-interviewer from Russia, while the scenery is being prepared in order to the demonstration of the village oven, while 'we are white and fluffy' is being trained - getting used to walking around Sanya's dining table - Sanya has some free time.
  Sanya decided to return to the park and send Mr. Fridalsky to the parking lot - so that Mr. Fridalsky would sign up himself as a delegate to the Assembly of High-End Dudes and Chicks. Sanya will promise Mr. Fridalsky that he will either appoint Fridalsky as an ombudsman or deputy head of the secret service. Let him making attempts. And we'll see. Intelligents are useful ...
  Sanya called by phone number, which he received from the thugs in the parking lot (those who nominated him for the Assembly). Let the dudes go to the park, lift Mr. Fridalsky off the park bench. Let Mr. Fridalsky trembles and waits of Sanya's appearance with a fear!
  Sanya headed to the park to talk with Fridalsky ...
  [MDCCCLXI. A restless week and a constitutional candy of Sasha Lokhushenko. The story. - November 27, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXVIII. Don't give anybody your beloved woman! The story of how Sanya Lokhushenko became a poet and an enviable groom. - December 4, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIII. Sanya Lokhushenko became a pop storyteller. A story. - December 6, 2020.
  MCMVIII. Sanya Lokhushenko and a cheap badge from a kiosk for a technical university. A story. - December 18, 2020.
  MCMXXI. Sanya Lokhushenko, a wad of money and the atomic prospects. A story (continued). - December 25, 2020.
  MCMXXII. Sanya Lokhushenko and the pitchfork. A story (continued). - December 26, 2020.
  MCMXXVIII. Sanya Lokhushenko is dancing a waltz at the New Year's ball. A story (continued). - December 30, 2020.
  MCMXXX. Sanya Lokhushenko and mannequins. A story (continued). - January 1, 2021.
  MCMXLIII. Sanya Lokhushenko and the Assembly of High-End Dudes and Chicks. A story (continued). - January 9, 2021.].
  January 11, 2021 12:02
  Translation from Russian into English: January 12, 2021 04:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Саня Лохушенко становится успешным кинопродюсером. Рассказ (продолжение)'.
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