Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and neighbor mice. A story (continued)

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    Senya and neighbor mice. A story (continued).

  Senya and neighbor mice. A story (continued).
  Senya and the kids continued their vacation at sea coast.
  At this time, an SMS came from friends.
  The man from the neighboring yard, who said that he was cooler than Senya, came to Senya's yard and publicly read out the answer to Senya's message.
  It was said in response.
  "When you organized the fight against cockroaches, mice from your garbage cans came running to our yard.
  We now have to solve the problem with your mice.
  And how should we now perceive your words that we played checkers together, walked on the sports ground and drank mineral water? If someone will say that we, in our yard, must not to pay attention to these mice, since they only stopped with us for a while, that they planned to run further on their business, then I do not intend to take such words seriously. I will seriously deal with these mice and with those who sent them. "
  The answer sounded disrespectful. The kids were silent, suddenly. The vacations could end immediately. But Senya decided to think over the answer well.
  He instructed by the phone friends to behave politely with the impudent neighbor. Fulfill a diplomatic maneuver. Declare that it is customary to walk in the yard of Senya with combed hair and with washed hands. But do not give a mirror, a comb, or a tap handle. The neighbor will be forced to leave in order to look at himself in the mirror, comb his hair and wash his hands.
  The neighbor must understand the situation himself, come to the right conclusions. During the coronavirus pandemic, people with unwashed hands can get into trouble.
  Meanwhile, Senya will reflect on the answer, without undue haste.
  The kids breathed a sigh of relief. The vacations continues.
  [MDCIV. Senya, vacations and an unpleasant message. The story. - July 31, 2020]
  August 4, 2020 16:45
  Translation from Russian into English: August 5, 2020 05:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и соседские мыши. Рассказ (продолжение)".
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