Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and prospects. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and prospects. The story.

  Senya and prospects. The story.
  It kept raining in the afternoon.
  Senya from under the visor of the entrance was looking at the yard.
  At that time the kids came out and, due to the rain, stopped next to Senya. Senya decided to produce an educational conversation.
  - "You see, children, how you live well thanks to my care!"
  - "We used to go to the park for a walk, and now there is an apartment building on the site of this park, fenced!"
  - "And we used to go to the river. We played, ran, swam and sunbathed. And now on that places there are houses and fences!"
  - "And in the past you didn't receive means onto cards. Now a money regularly come onto cards", - Senya corrected the children.
  - 'Organized criminal communities regularly deduct that money from cards ... And are capturing them in other ways,' - the children added to Senya's information.
  - "They do not need to be called organized criminal communities, but they need to be called differently. You are still small and do not understand much ..." - Senya philosophically corrected the children.
  - 'How do these people know - who gets the money when, and who has what a property? ...' one of the children asked.
  Senya looked thoughtfully at the rain ...
  - "And I wanted to do business when I be an adult. But on the Internet they write that if someone starts doing business, they push him to take out a loan, draw him into troubled stories, entangle him with debts, after which a person exists for the rest of his life in the position of not a businessman, but a slave ... Who is interested in such a business?"
  - "Children! See a sports ground. She is fenced. While you are inside her, you are under my protection and the protection of friends. While such rain, a walking is harmful to health. Go home and read something good on the Internet ..."
  The children went back to the apartment.
  And Senya looked thoughtfully at the rain.
  Who was he just recently ...
  And now he is a respected person. He brings up the kids and manages a handle of tap with cold water in the yard. The kids have a fenced sports ground. And Senya with friends will always protect the kids when they will inside the sports field ...".
  There are great prospects ahead ...
  June 22, 2020 09:30
  Translation from Russian into English: June 22, 2020 09:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и перспективы. Рассказ'.
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