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Senya, communal problems and a visiting of the sauna by some kids. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    Senya, communal problems and a visiting of the sauna by some kids. A story.

  Senya, communal problems and a visiting of the sauna by some kids. A story.
  In the morning there was no cold and hot water in the microdistrict. And even the central heating was absent.
  Residents of the apartment building, and of the neighboring apartment buildings, and of the entire microdistrict were dissatisfied - until the start of the working day, they did not manage to properly brush their teeth.
  Apparently, something happened to the pipes laid under the ground.
  In the morning, the city utility services arrived in the yard. They intended to dig the ground and, if necessary, fix something in the pipes.
  However, in the yard, with Senya's permission, there were several huge cars-trailers. Trailer drivers considered Senya a reliable partner and spent time not in the cabins of cars-trailers, but in the more comfortable conditions - at their own discretion.
  In the absence of trailer drivers, there was no possibility to dig the ground in the yard, - Senya politely informed representatives of the city utility services about this.
  The pipe repair plans has stalled ...
  A slightly awkward situation...
  But Senya immediately instructed friends to find a sauna in the suburbs on the Internet and to book a two-hour session there for the three kids.
  They quickly printed out a gift certificate with computer, gathered the residents of the house and the kids in the yard. The three most obedient and cultured kids were chosen. Solemnly, publicly a gift certificate was handed them.
  After that, on behalf of Senya, the friends gave the three kids (who received a gift certificate) the necessary money and sent them by public transport to the bathhouse.
  At the end of the day, after the return of three children from the sauna, a collective event was organized again. The kids who visited the sauna solemnly and publicly thanked Senya for the opportunity to take a shower.
  All the kids and residents of the yard, as well as passers-by, having learned about the charity event, looked favourably at Senya, marveling at his kindness.
  A way out of any situation it's possible to find! It's good that the kids are brought up on the Senya's examples of behavior!
  March 28, 2022 06:48
  Translation from Russian into English: March 28, 2022 07:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, коммунальные проблемы и посещение сауны некоторыми детишками. Рассказ'.
  { 2879. Сеня, коммунальные проблемы и посещение сауны некоторыми детишками. Рассказ.
  MMDCCCXLIX. Senya, communal problems and a visiting of the sauna by some kids. A story. }

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