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Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 11, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview

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    Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 11, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview.

  Sergei Furgal, Mikhail Degtyarev. August 11, 2020. Trends. An ultra-short overview.
  1. From Moscow to Nagasaki! From New York to Mars! Or - the earrings for every sister.
  New information has come in about the situation with Sergei Furgal. (
  I involuntarily feel sympathy for Furgal. For a long time he was engaged in some issues in the LDPR faction in the State Duma.
  Then, by the will of circumstances, he became the governor of the Khabarovsk Krai.
  I personally do not see any inclinations in him for legal, lawyer activity.
  Moreover, Sergei Furgal himself emphasizes that he is the tenth child in the family, and that in order to survive, he learned to think. ("I was born the tenth child in a family in the countryside. My parents are simple but decent people. And in order to survive in this world where everything is not easy, I learned to think.")
  Now Sergei Furgal is solving a puzzling problem - he is trying to determine which lawyer will most effectively defend his (Sergei Furgal's) interests. A difficult task for any person, including a practicing lawyer. Many revolutionaries refused representatives and defended their own interests personally. But they were people of a different time, a different generation, they did not have smartphones, but many had an education received in a gymnasium or in a theological seminary ...
  Sergei Furgal's task is complicated by two circumstances.
  Firstly, now he is in conditions where access to documentation, to computer bases with legislative acts difficult, when there is no normal desk, comfortable chair and conditions for concentration of attention.
  Secondly, if we focus on media reports, we are talking about the events of fifteen years ago. People with a unique memory, who can easily recall the circumstances, details of fifteen years ago, are a very rare individuals and make up a small percentage of the population.
  In this situation, a colossal amount of nuances is created that disturb Furgal, his relatives, supporters, the public, and cause a lot of concern to all of the above, as well as, in addition to those listed, to many other people and organizations.
  Meanwhile, reports on relatively fresh circumstances that arose after Sergei Furgal took office as governor of the Khabarovsk Krai in 2018.
  '... Under Sergei Furgal, who was acting as governor, a serious scandal broke out with the sale of sand deposits in a nature conservation zone on the lower Amur ...
  But could this really stop the bureaucrats in power, who felt the taste of easy money?
  ... Our investigation probably hit the bull's-eye, because immediately after that publication, a very strict citizen called the agency and, on behalf of, presumably, the ex-governor's representatives threatened to use with almost 'heavenly punishments'.
  ... For almost two years when the "people's" governor was in power, 350 licenses were issued in the Khabarovsk Krai to carry out activities in the field of subsoil use. Almost a quarter (89 out of 350) of the newly issued subsoil use licenses by the Furgal team were granted to companies with foreign owners.
  From December 2018 to July 2020, 530 (!) tenders were held to sell the natural resources of the Khabarovsk Krai ...
  Another oddity was revealed by the experts in the course of forest auctions - often the same companies 'won' at them. At the same time, traditional users of forest areas in the region were deprived of plots under far-fetched pretexts. Recently four largest logging companies of the region have faced the threat of bankruptcy ...
  ... The spheres of influence of Furgal's inner circle on profitable business areas were clearly divided and structured.
  As it becomes clear now, there was a systematic and long-term sale of the region's natural resources to businesses, mainly foreign and mostly Chinese, in the interests of a narrow circle of people. Some "firms" with the light hand of "people's" [governor] were allowed to pump out the natural resources of the region until 2044!
  Lands bordering on zakazniks and nature reserves [a types of protected areas] were sometimes given for the development of mineral resources. The previous government of the Khabarovsk Krai sometimes even ratified projects that threaten to turn this or that natural area into a place of environmental disaster, as in the case of the Lower Amur sand. It is not difficult to predict how this would backfire on the region in the future. " (
  As a supporter of nature protection, I am dismayed by the results of the investigation of
  Here's what I suggest. Almost simultaneously with the Furgal case, another criminal case arose (July 3, 2020).
  "MOSCOW, July 4 [2020] ( /TASS/. Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Viktor Grin' has canceled the decision to open a criminal case against the investigator of the central apparatus of the Investigative Committee...
  "The investigation believes that there were enough grounds for initiating a criminal case and bringing charges, but the Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Viktor Grin overturned the decision to open a criminal case," the Investigative Committee said in a statement.
  The press service of the Investigative Committee reported that the General [Main] Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee on the basis of the materials of the FSB opened a criminal case against the investigator of the central apparatus of the agency under Article 6. 290 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving bribes in a particularly large amount). As noted in the Investigative Committee, it was found that the investigator received from the accused in the criminal case bribes in a particularly large amount (more than 1 million rubles) for making decisions in favor of the briber. The investigator was detained, charged, and a petition was prepared for a detention measure.
  ... Late on Friday night, the colonel was released." (
  Meanwhile, Eva Merkacheva reports: 'At a meeting of the working group under the State Duma, we asked the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Nikolai Zaitsev - what to do in such a situation ... In fact, the law on public control is being violated, POC members cannot perform their functions. Nikolai Nikolaevich himself was puzzled ... '.
  What, if Eva Merkacheva will apply to the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Nikolai Nikolaevich Zaitsev? With intention, that Nikolai Nikolaevich will convey a request from a public figure and journalistess Merkacheva - to cancel the decision to initiate a criminal case against Sergei Furgal.
  With this option, everyone wins. Including deputies and supporters of nature protection.
  Sergei Furgal goes to Khabarovsk. There he will be awaited by the materials of the investigation conducted by ...
  As the saying goes, all the sisters are gifted with earrings ... Everyone is happy, the degree of public discontent is decreasing, an investigation of licensing issues begins (in Khabarovsk) ... Sergei Furgal calmly communicates with relatives, lawyers ... No problems with the delivery of correspondence ...
  Why not use this opportunity? What does Merkacheva, Furgal, or anyone else lose at case of applying with such a request?
  2. Mikhail Degtyarev creates the Folk's Council.
  The establishment of the Folk's Council is reported by the media. But some media outlets note that there are already many different kinds of public councils in Khabarovsk.
  It's possible to save a time - if to start working with one of the existing councils. Gradually fulfilling a changings in composition of such a council and optimizing its activity ... This will save time, will allow to make a quick victorious attack - like in fencing ...
  [From Moscow to Nagasaki! From New York to Mars! Из Москвы - в Нагасаки! Из Нью-Йорка - на Марс! - It's a line from poem by Igor Severyanin "Pineapples in champagne" 'Ананасы ы шампанском']
  August 11, 2020 14:20
  Translation from Russian into English: August 11, 2020 23:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сергей Фургал, Михаил Дегтярев. 11 августа 2020 г. Тенденции. Сверхкраткий обзор'.
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