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Ships of the Hanseatic League sailed in these seas. A political story

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    MMMCCCLIX. Ships of the Hanseatic League sailed in these seas. A political story. - September 9, 2023.

  Ships of the Hanseatic League sailed in these seas. A political story.
  The prosecutor entered his office on the highest floor of a multi-story skyscraper.
  The view from the window was excellent. The prosecutor loved to admire the sailing yachts of the townspeople, cruising the sea at any time of the year.
  Soon the assistant prosecutor entered the office.
  - A great view! I always admire yachts. Local residents have been accustomed to walking on the sea since the childhood...
  - I like looking at the port. The ships of the Hanseatic League came here...
  - Yes... Well, what? Did they accept?
  - Yes, they accepted.
  - What did they write?
  - They opposed the use of nuclear weapons or of related threats. They supported the principles of international law, including territorial integrity and sovereignty. They recognize the crucial importance of peaceful conflict resolution and dialogue. States must refrain from threats and from the use of force to achieve territorial gains. They paid special attention to human suffering and additional negative consequences of the war in Ukraine... [unofficial translation] []
  - Did they write about the protection of the rights to use a native language, to study in school in a native language, and the protection of the rights of certain groups of the population by armed means?
  - I didn't read that there. I'll read more carefully. Maybe I missed something?
  - And what? Did they vote unanimously?
  - Yes. What's the point of objecting? The document would have been accepted unanimously minus one vote. Not beneficial for the objector. A foreign policy isolation would become the obvious.
  - I see... I have business at the Office of the International Legal Association... And you may continue to work in the same direction.
  - Yes, sure.
  - See you after lunch.
  - I understood.
  September 9, 2023 22:37
  Translation from Russian into English: September 9, 2023 23:23
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Корабли Ганзейского союза ходили в этих водах. Политический рассказ '.
  { 3388. Корабли Ганзейского союза ходили в этих водах. Политический рассказ. - 9 сентября 2023 г.
  MMMCCCLIX. Ships of the Hanseatic League sailed in these seas. A political story. - September 9, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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