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Slatina airport and a bargaining. A note on modern history

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    Slatina airport and a bargaining. A note on modern history.

  Slatina airport and a bargaining. A note on modern history.
  Russian citizens relatively often learn about real estate transactions.
  Someone took some object of real estate from someone, gave it to someone ... There are relevant experts ...
  In many cases, such actions are fulfilling without bargaining.
  But all similar cases take place inside Russia.
  However, sometimes an information comes about actions outside Russia.
  For example, the story of the Slatina airport, which is located near Pristina (Kosovo).
  An attempt to delve into the details led to an unexpected conclusion - if the airport was under the control of the Yugoslav army, then there was no need to take it, to produce a military operation ...
  As for subsequent events, a Republic of Kosovo exists (some countries recognize this state, others do not recognize ...)
  Yesterday, June 14, 2020, new details appeared in this story.
  'MOSCOW, June 14. / TASS /. ... "The chief of the General Staff came to me - General Anatoly Kvashnin was on this position. He then said that there was such an idea - to capture this airport. When asked, what is the purpose of such action, he answered: it is clear that we will have to leave sometime, but there will be a possibility to bargain, " - Putin said." [unofficial translation] (
  As for the bargaining itself, it's somehow not very clear.
  Where to look for information about the bargaining? In Wikipedia? In the articles 'Слатина' ('Slatina') and 'Марш-бросок на Приштину' ('A March-throw to Pristina')?
  The material on Slatina (Wikipedia) contains information: 'в аэропорту базировался 83-й истребительный авиаполк ВВС СРЮ' ('the 83rd fighter regiment of the FRY Air Force was based at the airport') ... It seems that nothing was said about the bargaining ...
  'Марш-бросок на Приштину' ('A March-throw to Pristina') (Wikipedia). 'At the same time, both in the Foreign Ministry (first of all, in the person of the special representative of the President of Russia to resolve the situation around the FRY, Viktor Chernomyrdin), and in the General Staff (chief of the General Staff, Army General Anatoly Kvashnin and others) there were opponents of this operation, feared confrontations with the United States and its allies, since the transfer of the Russian battalion was contrary to NATO's military plans and could lead to the outbreak of a full-scale war. In view of this, the plan to occupy the airport had to be developed in secret, witout informing of many Russian military and politicians. ' [unofficial translation]
  There are a words 'окружающие сербы и албанцы' ("a surrounding Serbs [located nearby] and Albanians"). Are Yugoslav army soldiers are a 'surrounding [located nearby] Serbs'?
  '... последние силы сербской армии (бомбардировщики и танки) покидали аэропорт ...' ("... the last forces of the Serbian army (bombers and tanks) were leaving the airport ...").
  The assumption is confirmed, that the airport was under the control of the Yugoslav army?
  'Russia was not assigned a special sector because of NATO's fear that this would lead to the actual division of the region. (...)
  Peacekeepers from Russia were in Kosovo until 2003, when the Russian contingent (650 troops) was withdrawn from Kosovo, and its property was donated [transferred] to the peacekeeping command, and militia units [милицейские формирования] from Russia arrived in return.' [unofficial translation] (And what happened next? ..).
  A lot is not clear ... But we are looking for information about the bargaining.
  It seems that, again, there is nothing about (concerning) the bargaining ...
  We will wait for new details ...
  [DCCCXCIII. The Sketch about radio fuel.
  CMXXXI. The Story about the Tam-Tams and about two versions of the march towards Pristina.
  MLIX. The Story about Baluevsky, Makarov, Gerasimov.
  MCCСCLX. Tatsinskaya, Pristina, Al-Watiya. A historical essay.]
  June 15, 2020 03:56
  Translation from Russian into English: June 15, 2020 09:56.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Слатина и торг. Заметка о современной истории'.
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