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The biography of Raffaello Sanzio turned out to be unexpectedly interesting. The note

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    The biography of Raffaello Sanzio turned out to be unexpectedly interesting. The note.

  The biography of Raffaello Sanzio turned out to be unexpectedly interesting. The note.
  I had no interest in the biography of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483 - 1520).
  However, after the mention of the "Sistine Madonna" in a note about Dmitriy Nalbandyan, I decided to read those lines that relate to the fate of this painting by Raffaello Sanzio.
  The book from (by) Alexander Makhov turned out to be unexpectedly interesting. I imperceptibly read up to the description of how the great artist went to another world.
  What kind of childhood did he have, in what family did he grow up?
  I started reading the book from the beginning.
  Gradually I read the entire biography. In e-book format, this is 627 pages.
  Somewhere after half of the book, I was forced to look at the works of Raffaello Sanzio posted on the Internet and find an album with his selected works.
  Without constant glances on these brilliant works, the only reading was not interesting enough.
  The biography of Raffaello Sanzio appears as a mini textbook on the history of Italy.
  Here are represented - to a certain extent - Urbino, the native town of Raffaello Sanzio, and Florence, and Rome, and other Italian cities.
  The reader meets many figures - contemporaries of Raffaello Sanzio - people of different social status - from figures of the lowest social level to Popes, heads of state.
  Albrecht Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Sandro Botticelli and many other brilliant masters were Raffaello Sanzio's contemporaries. He was familiar with many of them.
  One gets the impression that all the people present in the biography - regardless of social status, position, profession - are united by an interest in painting, in culture ...
  Raffaello Sanzio himself appears not only as a great artist, but also as a kind of minister of culture of Rome. He was responsible not only for the construction of The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, but also for archaeological excavations, for many other cultural issues (the chief architect of St. Peter's Basilica, the chief curator of antiquities ...). He drafted the master plan for Rome [the street plan of Rome].
  Rome gave Raffaello Sanzio great fame, huge creative tasks, significant money ...
  Apparently, administrative duties had taken away a lot of strength and health from him.
  On March 24, 1520, Raffaello Sanzio purchased a plot of land on via Giulia to build his own palace. On April 6, 1520, he - at the age of about 37 - died (presumably from the "Roman fever") - at the height of fame and success. He was buried in the Roman Pantheon.
  Both in the album and in the appendix to the biography, Raffaello Sanzio's painting "The Vision of a Knight" (1503 -1504) is presented. "A pretty youth in knightly armor fell asleep, lying on the ground and leaning on a shield. In a dream, he dreamed of two charming maidens: one on the left in a modest robe with a sword and a book in her hand calls the knight to accomplish a feat and to know wisdom. The other, bare-headed and wearing a sky-scarlet secular dress intertwined with coral threads, holds out a myrtle flower to the sleeping man, promising him success in love affairs. Probably, the artist himself often had such dreams ... ". Raffaello Sanzio painted this picture at about the age of nineteen.
  Albrecht Dürer (1471 - 1528) - he was about 42 years old - created the engraving "Knight, Death and the Devil" (1513).
  "Deeply thinking, the warrior rides towards the unknown. Does he see the dangers that lie in wait for him? Does he have any idea that the devil is following him, intending to lead him astray?
  In the painting by Raffaello Sanzio, the knight sees himself (in a dream) in the company of charming maidens.
  On the engraving by Albrecht Dürer, the knight finds himself in a different society...
  [MMDCCXXII. A book about Dmitriy Nalbandyan. The note. - January 25, 2022.].
  January 29, 2022 19:51
  Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2022 21:27
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Биография Рафаэля Санти оказалась неожиданно интересной. Заметка".
  { Биография Рафаэля Санти оказалась неожиданно интересной. Заметка.
  MMDCCXXXI. The biography of Raffaello Sanzio turned out to be unexpectedly interesting. The note. }
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