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The comparison between Pavel Sheremet and Dmitry Kiselev has been changed to a photo about North Korea. The note

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    The comparison between Pavel Sheremet and Dmitry Kiselev has been changed to a photo about North Korea. The note.

  The comparison between Pavel Sheremet and Dmitry Kiselev has been changed to a photo about North Korea. The note.
  'The Belarusian portal TUT.BY received the Pavel Sheremet International Prize. This decision was made by the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. " (December 2, 2020 at 10:38 am, TUT.BY) ( [unofficial translation]
  News about Estonia appeared today. Both MIA "Russia Today" and Dmitry Kiselev were mentioned.
  Why not compare Pavel Sheremet and Dmitry Kiselev?
  Isn't it interesting to compare them as journalists?
  Using search engines, I tried to find information about MIA "Russia Today".
  There is information about Ilya Pitalev and about his award for photographs about North Korea. I looked at several photographs - apparently I did not find the entire collection. In general, it's interesting ... Not everyone can go to North Korea and to make photos there relatively freely ... So there is a shortage of photographs about North Korea. Thanks to Ilya Pitalev for sending the photo to the competition. Thanks to those (MIA "Russia Today"?) who sent Ilya Pitalev to North Korea ... Thank you, thank you, thank you ...
  Photo (photo by Ilya Pitalev) of a famous journalist who is opening the champagne ...
  Ilya Pitalev was detained in Minsk ... in August 2020 ...
  "Metro spoke with Ilya Pitalev about the detention in Minsk." Alena Bobrovich (August 12, 2020). (
  'The guards came up to me and asked me to open my backpack. They saw professional photographic equipment.
  This turned out to be enough for the arrest. Pitalev was escorted to the paddy wagon.
  - Most of the detainees were citizens of Belarus. I must say right away that force was not used against me and I did not see any of the detainees beaten. "
  "Metro contacted Nikita Telizhenko, a journalist for"
  '- I was detained on August 10, I was near the Sports Palace, - says Nikita. -... I was brought to the Moscow police department of Minsk. They put me on the floor and they were kicking me [by foots] on the head. " [unofficial translation]
  Well... in the process of Internet searches a headline appeared: "Journalist Solopov and photojournalist Pitalev released" (
  Maxim Solopov: 'There was nowhere to run ... In a couple of seconds they nailed me with truncheons to the asphalt. I tried my best to save my head.... It was already bleeding down the back of my head, because my head was damaged.... Someone pushed me in the back with his military boot and struck me in the leg with a truncheon.... I remained motionless with a bloody head, behind me stretched a bloody trail smeared on the floor with the prints of police boots. " (Https:// [unofficial translation]
  'Earlier, Life reported that the correspondents of the Daily Storm publication Anton Starkov and Dmitry Lasenko, as well as the founder of the WarGonzo project Semyon Pegov and his operator Vladislav Zizdok were released and had already returned to their homeland. It was also reported about the detention of Meduza journalist Maxim Solopov, RT correspondent Konstantin Pridybailo, Sputnik Belarus reporter Yevgeny Oleinik and others. " (
  If I was MIA "Russia Today" or Margarita (from Bulgakov) with MIA's and Margarita's capabilities and opportunities, then I would engage in comparisons.
  But the material is the very voluminous and varied ...
  ... It is clear that journalists are different ...
  December 3, 2020 21:33
  Translation from Russian into English: December 3, 2020 22:59.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сравнение Павла Шеремета и Дмитрия Киселева заменено на фото о Северной Корее. Заметка'.
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