Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-Nf. A buff-story

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    The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-NF. A buff-story.

  The dismissal of Chubais on Kosti-NF. A buff-story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kostya-NF radio station, decided to have some tea.
  The news appeared on the computer screen: Anatoly Chubais was fired!
  It is necessary to go around the native radio station, to observe what is the mood of the native team.
  Mr. Wintertund walked along the corridor.
  The radio station employees were overwhelmed with excitement.
  Many poured out into the corridor and were excitedly whispering. These people threw sharp glances at Mr. Wintertund.
  The first deputy general director was walking towards Mr. Wintertund. He looked sternly at Mr. Wintertund and made a sudden maneuver - he disappeared behind the nearest door, without reaching Mr. Wintertund.
  Mr. Wintertund immediately returned to his office.
  A special telephone apparatus rang - the apparatus with the handset, which was never, no one time, rised, was never used.
  A couple of seconds later, a call came to the cell phone - from the boss's number.
  - Broilers! - the voice of the boss was clearly heard in the dynamics.
  The boss completed the conversation.
  Mr. Wintertund immediately began to draw up an order over the radio station.
  1000 hours of radio airtime are allocated to discuss Chubais's dismissal. Of these, 500 hours are reserved for Doctor Evil.
  The Croaking Frog, the Iron Man, the European Man, Mrs. Quicktalker ...
  No one seems to be forgotten!
  A separate item is the issue of payment. Doctor Evil - at a triple rate, for the Croaking Frog - at a double rate, the rest - using a coefficient of 1.5 (Mrs. Quicktalker has not yet been categorized into a special category).
  'She was catching up not enough horror in connection with the burning collector ...', - a thought flashed on the periphery of consciousness.
  The order has been drawn up. A mailing to departments and employees of the radio station is necessary.
  Mr. Wintertund pressed a key. The order has been sent out.
  'The dismissal of Chubais is the our information capital! Our means! It must be used sparingly! "
  Mr. Wintertund turned on the electric kettle. Everything is all right on Kosti-NF. Now he can have a cup of aromatic tea.
  [MDCCXCIII. Journalistess from the province, the People's Ultimatum of Tsikhanouskaya, and metropolitan mortgage. A sketch. - October 27, 2020.
  MDCCXCIX. The balanced information. A story about a difficult media problem. - October 29, 2020.
  MDCCCIII. Day of National Unity and another Karamzinius at the Kosti-NF radio station. A story. - October 31, 2020.
  MDCCCV. Trishka's Kaftan. The Media sketch. - November 2, 2020.
  MDCCCIX. "Conditions" radio program on Kosti-NF. The story. - November 4, 2020.
  MDCCCXVI. The support for bloggers on Kosti-NF. A sketch. - November 7, 2020.
  MDCCCXXXVI. Elections in Moldova on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 15, 2020.
  MDCCCXLII. Brandenburg Gate on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 18, 2020.
  MDCCCXLVI. Mafia of a bearded frog on Kosti-NF. A story. - November 20, 2020.
  MDCCCLI. We know what will be tomorrow. On Kosti-NF. A story. - November 22, 2020.]
  December 3, 2020 09:03
  Translation from Russian into English: December 3, 2020 22:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Увольнение Чубайса на Кости-NF. Буфф-стори'.
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