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The East-Asian policy of August-September 2021 on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    The East-Asian policy of August-September 2021 on Kosti-NF. A story.

  The East-Asian policy of August-September 2021 on Kosti-NF. A story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the Kosti-NF radio station, in the middle of the day was convinced of the need to make a program about the East-Asian politics. Everyone is talking about colossal changes in Asia! And Kosti-NF can't be outside of the game!
  So, first it's necessary to decide on a principled approach.
  The basic approach is to clean very well there, in the distant areas. Thus, we will protect ourselves here - in the vastness of our homeland. We will sweep all the garbage out there, in the distant areas, and throw it, on the spot, in the trash can.
  And here, at us, accordingly, all will be clean.
  However, this approach is slightly outdated.
  Now, it seems, a second, equally recognized approach is being established.
  There is no need to disturb people. Let them establish of themselves in the political arena.
  People need to be given the opportunity to legalize and civilize. And a dialogue with civilized people will begin. We can, if not make demands, then provide explanations: what is good and what is bad. So, they will learn from us what is right and they will change their views.
  These two approaches contradict each other a little.
  A third, compromise approach is needed. This is not even an approach, but a compromise algorithm for preparing a radio program.
  The radio host interviews representatives of various ministries.
  And besides the ministries, there are also a kind of "parallel ministries". Dumers and counsellors - most competent in foreign (eastern) policy and diplomacy.
  And with one of the "parallel ministries" one of the youngest doctors of sciences, professor(ess), teacheress of a specialized higher educational institution in the field of diplomacy is affiliated. In her doctoral dissertation, the main thesis is that foreign policy should be built taking into account the principle of sovereignty, but at the same time taking into account the interests of the main foreign policy players. She expounds this convincingly in 1000 pages of her doctoral dissertation. She confirms it with tables [spreadsheets]. She was awarded two departmental combat medals (she visited abroad with high-ranking people). She now develops the theoretical foundations of East-Asian politics and trains future diplomats ...
  Mr. Wintertund turned the handle of the radio receiver.
  Somewhere, in a distant East-Asian country, another flare-up of tension. Something is happening on the streets. News from distant hospitals ...
  The young doctor(ess) of science did not consider such cases in her dissertation, in her tables ...
  Mr. Wintertund walked around the office for a long time. He was looking at the portrait that hung over his head, trying to understand how to make a radio program.
  He brought his head closer to a mysterious telephone apparatus that never rang.
  There was no clarity about East-Asian policy.
  Perhaps the broadcast will have to be postponed. Let's listen to the news, think about it, then make a decision. Let's not rush ...
  Mr. Wintertund decided to walk through the corridors of his native organization, to see how breathes and how works the team of his native radio station.
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  September 4, 2021 13:44
  Translation from Russian into English: September 4, 2021 14:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Восточно-азиатская политика августа-сентября 2021 года на Кости-NF. Рассказ'.
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