Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The explosion in Beirut, the collapsed bridge in the Far East, the technical intelligentsia. Sketch of civilization

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    The explosion in Beirut, the collapsed bridge in the Far East, the technical intelligentsia. Sketch of civilization.

  The explosion in Beirut, the collapsed bridge in the Far East, the technical intelligentsia. Sketch of civilization.
  Russia (USSR) had a technical intelligentsia with a history, with traditions (including developed traditions of technical and technological security).
  Conventionally, the emergence of the East-Republican segment of the technical intelligentsia can be dated by 1364.
  The heyday of the technical intelligentsia in the USSR falls on the period 30-50 years of the 20th century. Since the 60s, corruption began in all spheres of life, the appearance of layers of scientific and technical feudals and serfs.
  Since 1991, an intensive extermination of the technical intelligentsia began. Replacing the technical intelligentsia with scientific and technical prankers.
  Could Lebanon have had a technical intelligentsia with history and tradition?
  First, there has never been a developed heavy industry in Lebanon. Second, France's leadership in Lebanon was relatively short in historical terms.
  Some people are recalling their visits to Lebanon. They seem to admire the excellent tourist service, shops, oriental bazaar, beautiful sea ...
  There are many good places for recreation in Russia (USSR), too. Moreover, in many cities, until 1991, there was an opportunity for ordinary people to relax without leaving the settlement (city, village ...) - there was unhindered access to reservoirs [water objects] and forests (both reservoirs and forests were in a relatively prosperous state - the state took care of their preservation).
  How is the situation in 2020, , in its essence, when overseas tourist exchange increased after the start of the pandemic differs from the explosion in Beirut?
  How is the recovery work in Beirut different from the strenuous efforts to overcome the consequences of the pandemic?
  Beirut is located relatively far from Russia.
  But about the same time as the explosion in Beirut, in the Far East, another bridge collapsed.
  In general, there is a continuous chain of technical and technological disasters, floods, large-scale forest fires.
  It turns out that a resident of Khabarovsk (according to media reports), who moved to Cyprus, was involved in the explosion in Beirut (indirectly?). (Who is he? Another effective manager? Everybody fed up with these effective managers ...).
  The population of Khabarovsk is protesting.
  What measures are planned? What program of action has been adopted?
  Everything is very simple - a kind of federal media policy, electoral filters, multi-day and electronic voting.
  The incident in Beirut and another collapsed bridge in the Far East - they are nearby.
  [MCCСCLXXX. A technical culture. Or - A continuation will be in the near future. A culturological essay. - June 7, 2020.
  MDXXX. Liquidation of the supervisory-intellectual, space and literary intelligentsia. Common features and differences. The essay. - June 30, 2020.
  MDXCII. A detention of Sergei Furgal; the Liberal Democratic Party Party and the approaching single voting day. A political science essay. - July 26, 2020.
  MDXCVII. Lenin, Stalin, Mikhail Degryarev and a European intellectual potential. Experimental essay - an attempt of biographical and political comparison. - July 28, 2020.]
  August 5, 2020 21:00
  Translation from Russian into English: August 5, 2020 21:49.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Взрыв в Бейруте, рухнувший мост на Дальнем Востоке, техническая интеллигенция. Очерк цивилизации'.
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