Zalesski Vladimir : другие произведения.

The letter on compliance of author's rights. A diary note

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    The letter on compliance of author's rights. A diary note.

  The letter on compliance of author's rights. A diary note.
  Recipient of the letter: Publishing service .i .....,
  support @ .i ...... ru
  Sender of the letter: Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich,
  Dear Head of Publishing Service .i .....!
  In response to my letters dated June 5, 2021, June 6, 2021, and June 9, 2021, I received, in particular, a letter from .i ......
  "June 10. 2021 13:04
  Hello Vladimir.
  We are very sorry that the books were not bought. The sales didn't take place, what in such case could we pay you?
  The use of your book does not continue. It has been removed from publication. Having a free snippet does not mean using the book to sell or download.
  Have a nice day!
  Yours faithfully,
  M ......... N ......,
  head of the department of publications of the publishing service .i ...... ru "
  In this regard, I would like to inform you the following:
  1. Your letter confirms the existence of competition between copyright law and the rules of electronic platforms for the sale of books.
  2. "The sales didn't take place". This is a psychologically strong position that turns an "uninteresting author" into a lover of business correspondence !!! First, many circumstantial evidence confirms the interest of readers in my books. Secondly, not being a professional inspector, I fulfilled one attempt (at least) (through a search engine of a publishing service) to find my books (acting as if under the guise of a potential buyer), and I did not succeed. Should I devote all my time to clarifying of inherently technical issues? Thus, I (1) question the thesis that "The sales didn't take place", (2) I put forward the assumption that potential difficulties for potential buyers of my books at the moment when they were ready to buy, appeared due to insufficiently effective organization of sales.
  3. Please note that neither at the time of the liquidation of the account (in the publishing service), nor at the time of termination of the relationship with the publishing service, nor for three years, when on the Internet I periodically met my books for sale on different sites (apparently, this were partners of the publishing service) [with statistics of sales], I did not demand a single ruble from the publishing service. I am not inclined to participate in conflict situations that distract from the creative process. Also, I respect the publishing service. However, finding on the Internet not only information about my book, but also a fragment of the text, I was extremely worried.
  4. I insist on stopping the use of my books without my consent - without my consent expressed in the contract I signed.
  5. I withdraw my moderate proposals for compensation for damage. I do this because the publishing service, as a stronger side in the relationship, instead of steps towards me, is trying to impose a kind of discussion on me, defending the thesis that the use of my books (without my consent) is legitimate actions (due to the fact that that certain organizations have adopted some internal rules).
  Thus, I insist on respecting my rights of the author and withdraw my extremely moderate compromise proposals for damages to me.
  Best regards, Vladimir Zalessky.
  June 10, 2021 20:12
  [MMСLX. A dexterous use of the author's content. A diary note. - May 13, 2021.
  MMСCIII. A letter on issue of copyright protection. A diary memo. - June 8, 2021.
  MMСCIV. A letter about competition between the rules of players in the electronic market of books and the rights of an author. A diary memo. - June 9, 2021.
  MMСCVII. A finances of an author and the e-market of books. A civilizational essay. - June 10, 2021.].
  Translation from Russian into English: June 10, 2021 22:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Письмо о выполнении законодательства об авторских правах. Дневниковая заметка".
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