Аннотация: The Monologue about bafflement in connection with the public council
The Monologue about bafflement in connection with the public council
Yesterday there were messages about formation of public council at the State Duma Committee on Culture.
Interestingly: who is included into this public council? It seems, 22 persons? Looked in one article, in another. Surnames - on 6-8 surnames are listed in each article. On one of the websites, it seems, the reference for downloading of the complete list was had. Tried to download. As a result the picture was downloaded: some person in a suit and with a portfolio climbs steps to an entrance to the solid building.
Generally, somehow strange. Articles inform on this public council with a shade, apparently, of delicate irony.
It was not succeeded to find the complete list. Left this subject alone.
Today I went to the Internet. In the search bar typed: "Public council at the State Duma Committee on Culture". The list of the same, approximately articles that appeared still yesterday.
More attempts...
Somewhere, perhaps, is placed the list. Perhaps, somewhere there is a regulations for this public Council.
And in general, why it is necessary, this public council?
There are deputies - members of the committee on culture. Perhaps, they estimate results of the activity negatively.
What achievements in the field of culture? Big budgetary appropriations? It seems, there are questions on use of this money...
And what else achievements? Outstanding works created? I will not to focuse on personalities ... There were some names from a past time. Someone from them are invited, a money to them are throwing, show these people to voters and foreign guests...
A story with rappers is an achievement? It is unlikely it is achievement. More it is similar to opposition of a trend of emergence in the sphere of culture of rather free and independent layer of relatively self-sufficient people... All have to be built into the algorithm of division of the raw materials pie, take their place? Show loyalty and perform "useful" functions?
The hypothesis of disintegration of culture on subcultures - this hypothesis has any basis?
If deputies - members of the committee on culture estimate the own activity negatively, then they as honest (responsible) people, have to resign and make room for those who has ideas, will and abilities to their realization. It is clear, that it - only a hypothesis...
Perhaps, someone will come and will raise questions, for example, of recovery of the national book market, of full cancellation of all "forbidden" lists of books...
Perhaps, to give an opportunities to "breathe" for a publishing houses, a book trade, an authors... Perhaps, they, like rappers, will try to exist and earn money independently? - without (semi-) forced communication with you?.
What powers of the created public council? It's not clearly.
That he can? He will prompt to deputies the new ideas? Stolypin familiar with Witte's ideas is remembered up. And that from the fact that Stolypin was with them (with Witte's ideas) is familiar? Stolypin knew Witte's ideas, but at the same time acted so that Sergey Witte's ideas about creation of independent, authorized representative body (State Duma) were not realized...
Why the public council is necessary? You can make assumptions. "My thoughts - my racehorses" - the good song. But in modern conditions this words can be perceived with scepticism.
Voters and foreign guests needed new people for demonstration, for show? "That's who we have in friends! We can be trusted!" "We with new forces set to work! Still we intend "to steer", 'to rule' some time!"
A bafflement. In connection with the public council.
January 16, 2019 12:02
Translation from Russian into English: January 16, 2019 12:45.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о недоумении в связи с общественным советом'.